
97 lines
4.1 KiB

package logiled.Controllers;
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.fxml.Initializable;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.control.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class KbrdController implements Initializable {
private Button
k_esc, k_f1, k_f2, k_f3, k_f4, k_f5, k_f6, k_f7, k_f8, k_f9, k_f10, k_f11, k_f12,
k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4, k_5, k_6, k_7, k_8, k_9, k_0, k_dash, k_equal, k_backspace,
k_tab, k_q, k_w, k_e, k_r, k_t, k_y, k_u, k_i, k_o, k_p, k_bracket_open, k_bracket_close, k_backslash,
k_caps, k_a, k_s, k_d, k_f, k_g, k_h, k_j, k_k, k_l, k_semicolon, k_quotation, k_enter,
k_l_shift, k_z, k_x, k_c, k_v, k_b, k_n, k_m, k_comma, k_dot, k_shash, k_r_shift,
k_l_ctrl, k_win, k_l_alt, k_space, k_r_alt, k_fn, k_menu, k_r_ctrl,
k_prtscr, k_scrl, k_pause, k_tilde, k_ins, k_home, k_pg_up, k_del, k_pg_dn,
k_arr_up, k_arr_down, k_arr_left, k_arr_right, k_end,
k_num, k_num_slash, k_num_asterisk, k_num_minus, k_num_9, k_num_8, k_num_7, k_num_6, k_num_5, k_num_4, k_num_3, k_num_2, k_num_1, k_num_0, k_num_period, k_num_enter, k_num_plus,
l_game, l_caps;
private Button addRuleBtn, remRuleBtn;
private VBox rulesVBox;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {
rulesVBox.getChildren().addListener(new ListChangeListener<Node>() {
public void onChanged(Change<? extends Node> change) {
change.next(); // Get changes
if (change.wasAdded()){ // If something added, turn on ability to remove such rule
} // Otherwise, check if we have anything inside the pane
if (rulesVBox.getChildren().isEmpty()) // If so, select latest available 'box'
else // If the pane is empty, disable 'Remove' button.
RuleBox.select((RuleBox) rulesVBox.getChildren().get(rulesVBox.getChildren().size()-1));
addRuleBtn.setOnAction(ActionEvent -> rulesVBox.getChildren().add(new RuleBox()));
remRuleBtn.setOnAction(ActionEvent -> {
if (rulesVBox.getChildren().isEmpty())
RuleBox box;
if ((box = RuleBox.getSelected()) != null)
box.wipe(); // Reset buttons used for rule
rulesVBox.getChildren().remove(RuleBox.getSelected()); // Remove from pane
private void toggleBntAction(ActionEvent event){
if (rulesVBox.getChildren().isEmpty()) // if we have rule, then we have selected rule (app architecture)
Button btn = (Button) event.getSource();
RuleBox box;
if ((box = RuleBox.getSelected()) != null)
public HashMap<String, List<byte[][]>> getRules(){
final HashMap<String, List<byte[][]>> set = new HashMap<>();
final List<byte[][]> keySet = new ArrayList<>();
final List<byte[][]> ledSet = new ArrayList<>();
byte[][] keySingleRuleSet;
byte[][] ledSingleRuleSet;
for (Node box : rulesVBox.getChildren()){
keySingleRuleSet = ((RuleBox) box).getKeyCodes();
if (keySingleRuleSet != null)
ledSingleRuleSet = ((RuleBox) box).getLedCodes();
if (ledSingleRuleSet != null)
set.put("Key", keySet);
set.put("Led", ledSet);
return set;