Dmitry Isaenko 5ed2167e9d
Some checks reported errors
continuous-integration/drone Build encountered an error
Add Goldleaf v0.10 support. Remove jenkins malware, add Drone, update readme, increment version. Shifting code to the safer place. Update dependencies.
Fix #94: Just doing as @Fatih120 said
Fix #124: Implement updated Spanish translation by @Uzi-Oni
2022-07-26 18:25:26 +03:00

142 lines
7.1 KiB

Copyright 2019-2020 Dmitry Isaenko
This file is part of NS-USBloader.
NS-USBloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
NS-USBloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with NS-USBloader. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package nsusbloader;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
public class AppPreferences {
private static final AppPreferences INSTANCE = new AppPreferences();
public static AppPreferences getInstance() { return INSTANCE; }
private final Preferences preferences;
private final Locale locale;
public static final String[] goldleafSupportedVersions = {"v0.5", "v0.7.x", "v0.8-0.9", "v0.10"};
private AppPreferences(){
this.preferences = Preferences.userRoot().node("NS-USBloader");
String localeCode = preferences.get("locale", Locale.getDefault().toString());
this.locale = new Locale(localeCode.substring(0, 2), localeCode.substring(3, 5));
public String getTheme(){
String theme = preferences.get("THEME", "/res/app_dark.css"); // Don't let user to change settings manually
if (!theme.matches("(^/res/app_dark.css$)|(^/res/app_light.css$)"))
theme = "/res/app_dark.css";
return theme;
public int getProtocol(){
int protocolIndex = preferences.getInt("protocol_index", 0); // Don't let user to change settings manually
if (protocolIndex < 0 || protocolIndex > 1)
protocolIndex = 0;
return protocolIndex;
public void setProtocol(int protocolIndex){ preferences.putInt("protocol_index", protocolIndex); }
public String getNetUsb(){
String netUsb = preferences.get("NETUSB", "USB"); // Don't let user to change settings manually
if (!netUsb.matches("(^USB$)|(^NET$)"))
netUsb = "USB";
return netUsb;
public void setTheme(String theme){ preferences.put("THEME", theme); }
public void setNetUsb(String netUsb){ preferences.put("NETUSB", netUsb); }
public void setNsIp(String ip){preferences.put("NSIP", ip);}
public String getNsIp(){return preferences.get("NSIP", "");}
public String getRecent(){ return FilesHelper.getRealFolder(preferences.get("RECENT", System.getProperty("user.home"))); }
public void setRecent(String path){ preferences.put("RECENT", path); }
//------------ SETTINGS ------------------//
public Locale getLocale(){ return this.locale; }
public void setLocale(String langStr){ preferences.put("locale", langStr); }
public boolean getNsIpValidationNeeded() {return preferences.getBoolean("NSIPVALIDATION", true);}
public void setNsIpValidationNeeded(boolean need){preferences.putBoolean("NSIPVALIDATION", need);}
public boolean getExpertMode(){return preferences.getBoolean("EXPERTMODE", false);}
public void setExpertMode(boolean mode){preferences.putBoolean("EXPERTMODE", mode);}
public boolean getAutoDetectIp(){return preferences.getBoolean("AUTOHOSTIP", true);}
public void setAutoDetectIp(boolean mode){preferences.putBoolean("AUTOHOSTIP", mode);}
public boolean getRandPort(){return preferences.getBoolean("RANDHOSTPORT", true);}
public void setRandPort(boolean mode){preferences.putBoolean("RANDHOSTPORT", mode);}
public boolean getNotServeRequests(){return preferences.getBoolean("DONTSERVEREQ", false);}
public void setNotServeRequests(boolean mode){preferences.putBoolean("DONTSERVEREQ", mode);}
public String getHostIp(){ return preferences.get("HOSTIP", "").replaceAll("(\\s)|(\t)", "");} // who the hell said 'paranoid'?
public void setHostIp(String ip){preferences.put("HOSTIP", ip);}
public String getHostPort(){
String value = preferences.get("HOSTPORT", "6042");
if (!value.matches("^[0-9]{1,5}$"))
return "6042";
if ((Integer.parseInt(value) > 65535) || (Integer.parseInt(value) < 1))
return "6042";
return value;
public void setHostPort(String port){preferences.put("HOSTPORT", port);}
public String getHostExtra(){ return preferences.get("HOSTEXTRA", "").replaceAll("(\\s)|(\t)", "");} // oh just shut up...
public void setHostExtra(String postfix){preferences.put("HOSTEXTRA", postfix);}
public boolean getAutoCheckUpdates(){return preferences.getBoolean("AUTOCHECK4UPDATES", false); }
public void setAutoCheckUpdates(boolean prop){preferences.putBoolean("AUTOCHECK4UPDATES", prop); }
public boolean getDirectoriesChooserForRoms(){return preferences.getBoolean("dirchooser4roms", false); }
public void setDirectoriesChooserForRoms(boolean prop){preferences.putBoolean("dirchooser4roms", prop); }
public boolean getTfXCI(){return preferences.getBoolean("TF_XCI", true);}
public void setTfXCI(boolean prop){ preferences.putBoolean("TF_XCI", prop); }
public boolean getNspFileFilterGL(){return preferences.getBoolean("GL_NSP_FILTER", false); }
public void setNspFileFilterGL(boolean prop){preferences.putBoolean("GL_NSP_FILTER", prop);}
public int getGlVersion(){
return preferences.getInt("gl_ver", goldleafSupportedVersions.length - 1);
public void setGlVersion(int version){ preferences.putInt("gl_ver", version);}
public double getSceneWidth(){ return preferences.getDouble("WIND_WIDTH", 850.0); }
public void setSceneWidth(double value){ preferences.putDouble("WIND_WIDTH", value); }
public double getSceneHeight(){ return preferences.getDouble("WIND_HEIGHT", 525.0); }
public void setSceneHeight(double value){ preferences.putDouble("WIND_HEIGHT", value); }
// Split and Merge //
public int getSplitMergeType(){ return preferences.getInt("SM_TYPE", 0); }
public void setSplitMergeType(int value){ preferences.putInt("SM_TYPE", value); }
public String getSplitMergeRecent(){ return FilesHelper.getRealFolder(preferences.get("SM_RECENT", System.getProperty("user.home"))); }
public void setSplitMergeRecent(String value){ preferences.put("SM_RECENT", value); }
// RCM //
public String getRecentRcm(int num){ return preferences.get(String.format("RCM_%02d", num), ""); }
public void setRecentRcm(int num, String value){ preferences.put(String.format("RCM_%02d", num), value); }
// NXDT //
public String getNXDTSaveToLocation(){ return FilesHelper.getRealFolder(preferences.get("nxdt_saveto", System.getProperty("user.home"))); }
public void setNXDTSaveToLocation(String value){ preferences.put("nxdt_saveto", value); }
public String getLastOpenedTab(){ return preferences.get("recent_tab", ""); }
public void setLastOpenedTab(String tabId){ preferences.put("recent_tab", tabId); }