2019-08-17 08:33:05 +03:00

46 lines
2.4 KiB

btn_OpenFile=Select .NSP files
btn_Upload=Upload to NS
tab3_Txt_EnteredAsMsg1=You have been entered as:
tab3_Txt_EnteredAsMsg2=You should be root or have configured 'udev' rules for this user to avoid any issues.
tab3_Txt_FilesToUploadTitle=Files to upload:
tab3_Txt_GreetingsMessage=Welcome to NS-USBloader
tab3_Txt_NoFolderOrFileSelected=No files selected: nothing to upload.
windowBodyConfirmExit=Data transfer is in progress and closing this application will interrupt it.\nIt's the worse thing you can do now.\nInterrupt proccess and exit?
windowTitleConfirmExit=No, don't do this!
Source: https://github.com/developersu/ns-usbloader/\n\
Site: https://developersu.blogspot.com/search/label/NS-USBloader\n\
Dmitry Isaenko [developer.su]
tab1_table_Lbl_FileName=File name
tab1_table_contextMenu_Btn_DeleteAll=Remove all
tab2_Lbl_HostIP=Host IP
tab1_Lbl_NSIP=NS IP:
tab2_Cb_ValidateNSHostName=Always validate NS IP input.
windowBodyBadIp=Are you sure that you entered NS IP address correctly?
windowTitleBadIp=IP address of NS most likely incorrect
tab2_Cb_ExpertMode=Expert mode
tab2_Cb_AutoDetectIp=Auto-detect IP
tab2_Cb_RandSelectPort=Randomly get port
tab2_Cb_DontServeRequests=Don't serve requests
tab2_Lbl_DontServeRequestsDesc=If selected, this computer won't reply to NSP files requests coming from NS (over the net) and use defined host settings to tell TinFoil where should it look for files.
windowTitleErrorPort=Port set incorrectly!
windowBodyErrorPort=Port can't be 0 or greater than 65535.
tab2_Cb_AutoCheckForUpdates=Auto check for updates
windowTitleNewVersionAval=New version available
windowTitleNewVersionNOTAval=No new versions available
windowTitleNewVersionUnknown=Unable to check for new versions
windowBodyNewVersionUnknown=Something went wrong\nMaybe internet unavailable, or GitHub is down
windowBodyNewVersionNOTAval=You're using the latest version
tab2_Cb_AllowXci=Allow XCI files selection for TinFoil
tab2_Lbl_AllowXciDesc=Used by some third-party applications that support XCI and utilizes TinFoil transfer protocol. Don't change if not sure.
windowBodyRestartToApplyLang=Please restart application to apply changes.
tab2_Cb_GLshowNspOnly=Show only *.nsp in GoldLeaf.