package nsusbloader.NET; import javafx.concurrent.Task; import nsusbloader.NSLDataTypes.EFileStatus; import nsusbloader.ModelControllers.LogPrinter; import nsusbloader.NSLDataTypes.EMsgType; import*; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; public class NETCommunications extends Task { // todo: thows IOException? private LogPrinter logPrinter; private String hostIP; private int hostPort; private String extras; private String switchIP; private HashMap nspMap; private ServerSocket serverSocket; private boolean isValid; private boolean doNotServeRequests; private OutputStream currSockOS; private PrintWriter currSockPW; /** * Simple constructor that everybody uses * */ public NETCommunications(List filesList, String switchIP, boolean doNotServeRequests, String hostIPaddr, String hostPortNum, String extras){ this.doNotServeRequests = doNotServeRequests; if (doNotServeRequests) this.extras = extras; else this.extras = ""; this.switchIP = switchIP; this.logPrinter = new LogPrinter(); this.nspMap = new HashMap<>(); // Collect and encode NSP files list try { for (File nspFile : filesList) nspMap.put(URLEncoder.encode(nspFile.getName(), "UTF-8").replaceAll("\\+", "%20"), nspFile); // replace + to %20 } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee){ isValid = false; logPrinter.print("NET: Unsupported encoding for 'URLEncoder'. Internal issue you can't fix. Please report. Returned:\n\t"+uee.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL); for (File nspFile : filesList) nspMap.put(nspFile.getName(), nspFile); close(EFileStatus.FAILED); return; } // Resolve IP if (hostIPaddr.isEmpty()) { DatagramSocket socket; try { // todo: check other method if internet unavaliable socket = new DatagramSocket(); socket.connect(InetAddress.getByName(""), 10002); // Google hostIP = socket.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(); socket.close(); } catch (SocketException | UnknownHostException e) { logPrinter.print("NET: Can't get your computer IP using Google DNS server. Returned:\n\t"+e.getMessage(), EMsgType.INFO); try { socket = new DatagramSocket(); socket.connect(InetAddress.getByName(""), 10002); // RIPE NCC hostIP = socket.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(); socket.close(); } catch (SocketException | UnknownHostException e1) { logPrinter.print("NET: Can't get your computer IP using RIPE NCC root server. Returned:\n\t"+e1.getMessage(), EMsgType.INFO); try { socket = new DatagramSocket(); socket.connect(InetAddress.getByName(""), 10002); // Renmin Ribao hostIP = socket.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(); socket.close(); } catch (SocketException | UnknownHostException e2) { logPrinter.print("NET: Can't get your computer IP using Renmin Ribao server. Returned:\n\t"+e2.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.print("Try using 'Expert mode' and set IP manually.", EMsgType.INFO); try { Enumeration enumeration = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface n = (NetworkInterface) enumeration.nextElement(); Enumeration enumeration1 = n.getInetAddresses(); while (enumeration1.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress i = (InetAddress) enumeration1.nextElement(); logPrinter.print("Check for: " + i.getHostAddress(), EMsgType.INFO); } } } catch (SocketException socketException) { // Good block. logPrinter.print("Can't determine possible variants. Returned:\n\t"+socketException.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL); } isValid = false; close(EFileStatus.FAILED); return; } } } logPrinter.print("NET: Your IP detected as: " + hostIP, EMsgType.PASS); } else { this.hostIP = hostIPaddr; logPrinter.print("NET: Your IP defined as: " + hostIP, EMsgType.PASS); } // Get port if (! doNotServeRequests) { if (hostPortNum.isEmpty()) { Random portRandomizer = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { try { this.hostPort = portRandomizer.nextInt(999) + 6000; serverSocket = new ServerSocket(hostPort); //System.out.println(serverSocket.getInetAddress()); logPrinter.print("NET: Your port detected as: " + hostPort, EMsgType.PASS); break; } catch (IOException ioe) { if (i == 4) { logPrinter.print("NET: Can't find good port", EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.print("Try using 'Expert mode' and set port by yourself.", EMsgType.INFO); isValid = false; close(EFileStatus.FAILED); return; } else logPrinter.print("NET: Can't use port " + hostPort + "\nLooking for another one.", EMsgType.WARNING); } } } else { try { this.hostPort = Integer.parseInt(hostPortNum); serverSocket = new ServerSocket(hostPort); logPrinter.print("NET: Using defined port number: " + hostPort, EMsgType.PASS); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Literally never happens. logPrinter.print("NET: Can't use port defined in settings: " + hostPortNum + "\nIt's not a valid number!", EMsgType.FAIL); isValid = false; close(EFileStatus.FAILED); return; } catch (IOException ioex){ logPrinter.print("NET: Can't use port defined in settings: " + hostPortNum + "\n\t"+ioex.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL); isValid = false; close(EFileStatus.FAILED); return; } } } else { if (hostPortNum.isEmpty()){ logPrinter.print("NET: Port must be defined if 'Don't serve requests' option selected!", EMsgType.FAIL); isValid = false; close(EFileStatus.FAILED); return; } try { this.hostPort = Integer.parseInt(hostPortNum); } catch (NumberFormatException fex){ logPrinter.print("NET: Can't use port defined in settings: " + hostPortNum + "\nIt's not a valid number!", EMsgType.WARNING); isValid = false; close(EFileStatus.FAILED); return; } } isValid = true; } /** * Override cancel block to close connection by ourselves * */ @Override protected void cancelled() { this.close(EFileStatus.UNKNOWN); super.cancelled(); } @Override protected Void call() { if (!isValid | isCancelled()) return null; logPrinter.print("\tStart chain", EMsgType.INFO); // Create string that we'll send to TF and which initiates chain StringBuilder myStrBuilder; myStrBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String fileNameEncoded : nspMap.keySet()) { myStrBuilder.append(hostIP); myStrBuilder.append(':'); myStrBuilder.append(hostPort); myStrBuilder.append('/'); myStrBuilder.append(extras); myStrBuilder.append(fileNameEncoded); myStrBuilder.append('\n'); } byte[] nspListNames = myStrBuilder.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Follow the byte[] nspListSize = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES).putInt(nspListNames.length).array(); // defining order try { Socket handShakeSocket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(switchIP), 2000); OutputStream os = handShakeSocket.getOutputStream(); os.write(nspListSize); os.write(nspListNames); os.flush(); handShakeSocket.close(); } catch (IOException uhe){ logPrinter.print("NET: Unable to connect to NS and send files list. Returned:\n\t"+uhe.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL); close(EFileStatus.UNKNOWN); return null; } // Check if we should serve requests if (this.doNotServeRequests){ logPrinter.print("NET: List of files transferred. Replies won't be served.", EMsgType.PASS); close(EFileStatus.UNKNOWN); return null; } logPrinter.print("NET: Initiation files list has been sent to NS.", EMsgType.PASS); // Go transfer Socket clientSocket; work_routine: while (true){ try { clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()) ); currSockOS = clientSocket.getOutputStream(); currSockPW = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(currSockOS)); String line; LinkedList tcpPacket = new LinkedList<>(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { //System.out.println(line); // TODO: remove DBG if (line.trim().isEmpty()) { // If TCP packet is ended if (handleRequest(tcpPacket)) // Proceed required things break work_routine; tcpPacket.clear(); // Clear data and wait for next TCP packet } else tcpPacket.add(line); // Otherwise collect data } // and reopen client sock clientSocket.close(); } catch (IOException ioe){ // If server socket closed, then client socket also closed. break; } } if (!isCancelled()) close(EFileStatus.UNKNOWN); return null; } // 200 206 400 (inv range) 404 416 (Range Not Satisfiable ) /** * Handle requests * @return true if failed * */ private boolean handleRequest(LinkedList packet){ //private boolean handleRequest(LinkedList packet, OutputStreamWriter pw){ File requestedFile; requestedFile = nspMap.get(packet.get(0).replaceAll("(^[A-z\\s]+/)|(\\s+?.*$)", "")); if (!requestedFile.exists() || requestedFile.length() == 0){ // well.. tell 404 if file exists with 0 length is against standard, but saves time currSockPW.write(NETPacket.getCode404()); currSockPW.flush(); logPrinter.print("NET: File "+requestedFile.getName()+" doesn't exists or have 0 size. Returning 404", EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.update(requestedFile, EFileStatus.FAILED); return true; } if (packet.get(0).startsWith("HEAD")){ currSockPW.write(NETPacket.getCode200(requestedFile.length())); currSockPW.flush(); logPrinter.print("NET: Replying for requested file: "+requestedFile.getName(), EMsgType.INFO); return false; } if (packet.get(0).startsWith("GET")) { for (String line: packet) { if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("range")) { //todo: fix try { String[] rangeStr = line.toLowerCase().replaceAll("^range:\\s+?bytes=", "").split("-", 2); if (!rangeStr[0].isEmpty() && !rangeStr[1].isEmpty()) { // If both ranges defined: Read requested if (Long.parseLong(rangeStr[0]) > Long.parseLong(rangeStr[1])){ // If start bytes greater then end bytes currSockPW.write(NETPacket.getCode400()); currSockPW.flush(); logPrinter.print("NET: Requested range for "+requestedFile.getName()+" is incorrect. Returning 400", EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.update(requestedFile, EFileStatus.FAILED); return true; } if (writeToSocket(requestedFile, Long.parseLong(rangeStr[0]), Long.parseLong(rangeStr[1]))) // DO WRITE return true; } else if (!rangeStr[0].isEmpty()) { // If only START defined: Read all if (writeToSocket(requestedFile, Long.parseLong(rangeStr[0]), requestedFile.length())) // DO WRITE return true; } else if (!rangeStr[1].isEmpty()) { // If only END defined: Try to read last 500 bytes if (requestedFile.length() > 500){ if (writeToSocket(requestedFile, requestedFile.length()-500, requestedFile.length())) // DO WRITE return true; } else { // If file smaller than 500 bytes currSockPW.write(NETPacket.getCode416()); currSockPW.flush(); logPrinter.print("NET: File size requested for "+requestedFile.getName()+" while actual size of it: "+requestedFile.length()+". Returning 416", EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.update(requestedFile, EFileStatus.FAILED); return true; } } else { currSockPW.write(NETPacket.getCode400()); // If Range not defined: like "Range: bytes=-" currSockPW.flush(); logPrinter.print("NET: Requested range for "+requestedFile.getName()+" is incorrect (empty start & end). Returning 400", EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.update(requestedFile, EFileStatus.FAILED); return true; } break; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe){ currSockPW.write(NETPacket.getCode400()); currSockPW.flush(); logPrinter.print("NET: Requested range for "+requestedFile.getName()+" has incorrect format. Returning 400\n\t"+nfe.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.update(requestedFile, EFileStatus.FAILED); return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Send files. * */ private boolean writeToSocket(File file, long start, long end){ logPrinter.print("NET: Responding to requested range: "+start+"-"+end, EMsgType.INFO); currSockPW.write(NETPacket.getCode206(file.length(), start, end)); currSockPW.flush(); try{ long count = end - start + 1; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); int readPice = 8388608; // = 8Mb byte[] byteBuf; if (bis.skip(start) != start){ logPrinter.print("NET: Unable to skip requested range.", EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.update(file, EFileStatus.FAILED); return true; } long currentOffset = 0; while (currentOffset < count){ if (isCancelled()) return true; if ((currentOffset+readPice) >= count){ readPice = Math.toIntExact(count - currentOffset); } byteBuf = new byte[readPice]; if ( != readPice){ logPrinter.print("NET: Reading of file stream suddenly ended.", EMsgType.FAIL); return true; } currSockOS.write(byteBuf); //-----------------------------------------/ try { logPrinter.updateProgress((currentOffset+readPice)/(count/100.0) / 100.0); }catch (InterruptedException ie){ getException().printStackTrace(); // TODO: Do something with this } //-----------------------------------------/ currentOffset += readPice; } currSockOS.flush(); // TODO: check if this really needed. bis.close(); //-----------------------------------------/ try{ logPrinter.updateProgress(1.0); } catch (InterruptedException ie){ getException().printStackTrace(); // TODO: Do something with this } //-----------------------------------------/ } catch (IOException ioe){ logPrinter.print("NET: File transmission failed. Returned:\n\t"+ioe.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL); logPrinter.update(file, EFileStatus.FAILED); return true; } return false; } /** * Close when done * */ private void close(EFileStatus status){ if (isCancelled()) logPrinter.print("NET: Interrupted by user.", EMsgType.INFO); try { if (serverSocket != null) { serverSocket.close(); logPrinter.print("NET: Closing server socket.", EMsgType.PASS); } } catch (IOException | NullPointerException ioe){ logPrinter.print("NET: Closing server socket failed. Sometimes it's not an issue.", EMsgType.WARNING); } if (status != null) { logPrinter.update(nspMap, status); } logPrinter.print("\tEnd chain", EMsgType.INFO); logPrinter.close(); } }