package nsusbloader.COM.USB; import nsusbloader.ModelControllers.LogPrinter; import nsusbloader.NSLDataTypes.EMsgType; import org.usb4java.*; public class UsbConnect { private int DEFAULT_INTERFACE = 0; private Context contextNS; private DeviceHandle handlerNS; private Device deviceNS; private LogPrinter logPrinter; private boolean connected; // TODO: replace to 'connectionFailure' and invert requests everywhere public UsbConnect(LogPrinter logPrinter, boolean initForRCM){ this.logPrinter = logPrinter; this.connected = false; short VENDOR_ID; short PRODUCT_ID; if (initForRCM){ // CORRECT NV: VENDOR_ID = 0x0955; PRODUCT_ID = 0x7321; /* // QA: VENDOR_ID = 0x1a86; PRODUCT_ID = 0x7523; */ } else { VENDOR_ID = 0x057E; PRODUCT_ID = 0x3000; } int result; // Creating Context required by libusb. Optional. TODO: Consider removing. contextNS = new Context(); result = LibUsb.init(contextNS); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { logPrinter.print("libusb initialization\n Returned: "+result, EMsgType.FAIL); close(); return; } logPrinter.print("libusb initialization", EMsgType.PASS); // Searching for NS in devices: obtain list of all devices DeviceList deviceList = new DeviceList(); result = LibUsb.getDeviceList(contextNS, deviceList); if (result < 0) { logPrinter.print("Get device list\n Returned: "+result, EMsgType.FAIL); close(); return; } logPrinter.print("Get device list", EMsgType.PASS); // Searching for NS in devices: looking for NS DeviceDescriptor descriptor; deviceNS = null; for (Device device: deviceList){ descriptor = new DeviceDescriptor(); // mmm.. leave it as is. result = LibUsb.getDeviceDescriptor(device, descriptor); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS){ logPrinter.print("Read file descriptors for USB devices\n Returned: "+result, EMsgType.FAIL); LibUsb.freeDeviceList(deviceList, true); close(); return; } if ((descriptor.idVendor() == VENDOR_ID) && descriptor.idProduct() == PRODUCT_ID){ deviceNS = device; logPrinter.print("Read file descriptors for USB devices", EMsgType.PASS); break; } } // Free device list. if (deviceNS == null){ logPrinter.print("NS in connected USB devices not found", EMsgType.FAIL); close(); return; } logPrinter.print("NS in connected USB devices found", EMsgType.PASS); // Handle NS device handlerNS = new DeviceHandle(); result =, handlerNS); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { logPrinter.print("Open NS USB device\n Returned: "+UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result), EMsgType.FAIL); if (result == LibUsb.ERROR_ACCESS) logPrinter.print("Double check that you have administrator privileges (you're 'root') or check 'udev' rules set for this user (linux only)!\n\n" + String.format("Steps to set 'udev' rules:\n" + "root # vim /etc/udev/rules.d/99-NS.rules\n" + "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"%04x\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"%04x\", GROUP=\"plugdev\"\n" + "root # udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger\n", VENDOR_ID, PRODUCT_ID) , EMsgType.INFO); // Let's make a bit dirty workaround since such shit happened logPrinter.print("Requested context close", EMsgType.INFO); LibUsb.exit(contextNS); return; // And close } else logPrinter.print("Open NS USB device", EMsgType.PASS); logPrinter.print("Free device list", EMsgType.INFO); LibUsb.freeDeviceList(deviceList, true); // DO some stuff to connected NS // Actually, there are not drivers in Linux kernel that are using this device.. if (LibUsb.setAutoDetachKernelDriver(handlerNS, true) == LibUsb.SUCCESS) logPrinter.print("Handle kernel driver attach & detach", EMsgType.PASS); else logPrinter.print("Skip kernel driver attach & detach", EMsgType.INFO); /* // Reset device result = LibUsb.resetDevice(handlerNS); if (result == 0) logPrinter.print("Reset device", EMsgType.PASS); else { logPrinter.print("Reset device returned: " + result, EMsgType.FAIL); updateAndClose(); return; } */ if ( ! initForRCM){ // Set configuration (soft reset if needed) result = LibUsb.setConfiguration(handlerNS, 1); // 1 - configuration all we need if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS){ logPrinter.print("Set active configuration to device\n Returned: "+UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result), EMsgType.FAIL); close(); return; } logPrinter.print("Set active configuration to device.", EMsgType.PASS); } // Claim interface result = LibUsb.claimInterface(handlerNS, DEFAULT_INTERFACE); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { logPrinter.print("Claim interface\n Returned: "+UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result), EMsgType.FAIL); close(); return; } logPrinter.print("Claim interface", EMsgType.PASS); this.connected = true; } /** * Get USB status * @return status of connection */ public boolean isConnected() { return connected; } /** * Getter for handler * @return DeviceHandle of NS */ public DeviceHandle getNsHandler(){ return handlerNS; } /** * Getter for 'Bus ID' where NS located found */ public int getNsBus(){ return LibUsb.getBusNumber(deviceNS); } /** * Getter for 'Device address' where NS located at */ public int getNsAddress(){ return LibUsb.getDeviceAddress(deviceNS); } /** * Correct exit * */ public void close(){ // Close handler in the end if (handlerNS != null) { // Try to release interface int result = LibUsb.releaseInterface(handlerNS, DEFAULT_INTERFACE); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) logPrinter.print("Release interface" + "\n Returned: "+result+" (sometimes it's not an issue)", EMsgType.WARNING); else logPrinter.print("Release interface", EMsgType.PASS); LibUsb.close(handlerNS); logPrinter.print("Requested handler close", EMsgType.INFO); } // Close context in the end if (contextNS != null) { LibUsb.exit(contextNS); logPrinter.print("Requested context close", EMsgType.INFO); } } }