/* Copyright 2018-2023 Dmitry Isaenko This file is part of NS-USBloader. NS-USBloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. NS-USBloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NS-USBloader. If not, see . */ package nsusbloader.Utilities.patches.fs.finders; import libKonogonka.Converter; import nsusbloader.AppPreferences; import nsusbloader.Utilities.patches.AHeuristic; import nsusbloader.Utilities.patches.BinToAsmPrinter; import nsusbloader.Utilities.patches.SimplyFind; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; class HeuristicFs2 extends AHeuristic { private static final String PATTERN = AppPreferences.getInstance().getPatchOffset("FS", 2, 0); private final byte[] where; private final List findings; HeuristicFs2(byte[] where){ this.where = where; this.findings = new ArrayList<>(); SimplyFind simplyfind = new SimplyFind(PATTERN, where); simplyfind.getResults().forEach(var -> findings.add(var + 4)); if(findings.size() < 2) return; this.findings.removeIf(this::dropStep1); } // All matches are somewhere in 0x6xxxx-0x7xxxx, then let's just limit search field by 0x80000 private boolean dropStep1(int offsetOfPatternFound){ return (offsetOfPatternFound > 0x80000); } @Override public boolean isFound(){ return findings.size() == 1; } @Override public boolean wantLessEntropy(){ return findings.size() > 1; } @Override public int getOffset() throws Exception{ if(findings.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Nothing found"); if (findings.size() > 1) throw new Exception("Too many offsets"); return findings.get(0); } @Override public boolean setOffsetsNearby(int offsetNearby) { findings.removeIf(offset -> { if (offset > offsetNearby) return ! (offset < offsetNearby - 0xffff); return ! (offset > offsetNearby - 0xffff); }); return isFound(); } @Override public String getDetails(){ int offsetInternal = findings.get(0) - 4; int firstExpression = Converter.getLEint(where, offsetInternal); int conditionalJumpLocation = ((firstExpression & 0x3ffffff) * 4 + offsetInternal) & 0xfffff; int secondExpressionsPairElement1 = Converter.getLEint(where, conditionalJumpLocation); int secondExpressionsPairElement2 = Converter.getLEint(where, conditionalJumpLocation+4); return BinToAsmPrinter.printSimplified(firstExpression, offsetInternal) + BinToAsmPrinter.printSimplified(Converter.getLEint(where, offsetInternal + 4), offsetInternal + 4) + BinToAsmPrinter.printSimplified(Converter.getLEint(where, offsetInternal + 8), offsetInternal + 8) + BinToAsmPrinter.printSimplified(Converter.getLEint(where, offsetInternal + 12), offsetInternal + 12) + "...\n" + BinToAsmPrinter.printSimplified(secondExpressionsPairElement1, conditionalJumpLocation) + BinToAsmPrinter.printSimplified(secondExpressionsPairElement2, conditionalJumpLocation + 4); } }