/* Copyright 2019-2020 Dmitry Isaenko This file is part of NS-USBloader. NS-USBloader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. NS-USBloader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NS-USBloader. If not, see . */ package nsusbloader.cli; import nsusbloader.NSLMain; import nsusbloader.Utilities.Rcm; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import java.io.File; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; public class CommandLineInterface { public CommandLineInterface(String[] args) { if (noRealKeys(args)){ System.out.println("Try 'ns-usbloader --help' for more information."); return; } final Options cliOptions = createCliOptions(); CommandLineParser cliParser = new DefaultParser(); try{ CommandLine cli = cliParser.parse(cliOptions, args); if (cli.hasOption('v') || cli.hasOption("version")){ handleVersion(); return; } if (cli.hasOption('h') || cli.hasOption("help")){ handleHelp(cliOptions); return; } if (cli.hasOption('r') || cli.hasOption("rcm")){ final String payloadArgument = cli.getOptionValue("rcm"); handleRcm(payloadArgument); return; } if (cli.hasOption("c") || cli.hasOption("clean")){ handleSettingClean(); return; } if (cli.hasOption("n") || cli.hasOption("tfn")){ final String[] tfnArguments = cli.getOptionValues("tfn"); new TinfoilNet(tfnArguments); return; } if (cli.hasOption("t") || cli.hasOption("tinfoil")){ final String[] tfArguments = cli.getOptionValues("tinfoil"); new TinfoilUsb(tfArguments); return; } if (cli.hasOption("g") || cli.hasOption("goldleaf")){ final String[] glArguments = cli.getOptionValues("goldleaf"); new GoldLeaf(glArguments); } } catch (ParseException pe){ System.out.println(pe.getLocalizedMessage() + "\nTry 'ns-usbloader --help' for more information."); } catch (IncorrectSetupException iee){ System.out.println(iee.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException ignore){} catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("CLI error"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean noRealKeys(String[] args){ return (args.length > 0 && ! args[0].startsWith("-")); } private Options createCliOptions(){ final Options options = new Options(); final Option rcmOption = Option.builder("r") .longOpt("rcm") .desc("Send payload") .hasArg(true) .argName("[PATH/]payload.bin") .numberOfArgs(1) .build(); final Option cleanSettingsOption = Option.builder("c") .longOpt("clean") .desc("Remove/reset settings and exit") .hasArg(false) .build(); final Option versionOption = Option.builder("v") .longOpt("version") .desc("Show application version") .hasArg(false) .build(); final Option helpOption = Option.builder("h") .longOpt("help") .desc("Show this help") .hasArg(false) .build(); /* Tinfoil network mode options */ final Option tinfoilNetOption = Option.builder("n") .longOpt("tfn") .desc("Install via Tinfoil/Awoo Network mode. Check '-n help' for information.") .hasArgs() .argName("...") .build(); /* Tinfoil/Awoo USB */ final Option tinfoilOption = Option.builder("t") .longOpt("tinfoil") .desc("Install via Tinfoil/Awoo USB mode.") .hasArgs() .argName("FILE1 ...") .build(); /* GoldLeaf USB */ final Option glOption = Option.builder("g") .longOpt("goldleaf") .desc("Install via GoldLeaf mode. Check '-g help' for information.") .hasArgs() .argName("...") .build(); final OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup(); group.addOption(rcmOption); group.addOption(tinfoilNetOption); group.addOption(cleanSettingsOption); group.addOption(versionOption); group.addOption(helpOption); group.addOption(tinfoilOption); group.addOption(glOption); options.addOptionGroup(group); return options; } private void handleVersion(){ System.out.println("NS-USBloader " + NSLMain.appVersion); } private void handleSettingClean() throws Exception { if (Preferences.userRoot().nodeExists("NS-USBloader")) { Preferences.userRoot().node("NS-USBloader").removeNode(); System.out.println("Settings removed"); } else System.out.println("There are no settings in system to remove"); } private void handleRcm(String payload) throws InterruptedException{ boolean isWindows = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().replace(" ", "").contains("windows"); if (isWindows) { if (! payload.matches("^.:\\\\.*$")) payload = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + payload; } else { if (! payload.startsWith("/")) payload = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + payload; } Rcm rcm = new Rcm(payload); Thread rcmThread = new Thread(rcm); rcmThread.start(); rcmThread.join(); } private void handleHelp(Options cliOptions){ new HelpFormatter().printHelp( 120, "NS-USBloader.jar [OPTION]... [FILE]...", "options:", cliOptions, "\n"); } }