package nsusbloader; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; public class AppPreferences { private static final AppPreferences INSTANCE = new AppPreferences(); public static AppPreferences getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } private Preferences preferences; private AppPreferences(){ preferences = Preferences.userRoot().node("NS-USBloader"); } public String getTheme(){ String theme = preferences.get("THEME", "/res/app_dark.css"); // Don't let user to change settings manually if (!theme.matches("(^/res/app_dark.css$)|(^/res/app_light.css$)")) theme = "/res/app_dark.css"; return theme; } public String getProtocol(){ String protocol = preferences.get("PROTOCOL", "TinFoil"); // Don't let user to change settings manually if (!protocol.matches("(^TinFoil$)|(^GoldLeaf$)")) protocol = "TinFoil"; return protocol; } public void setTheme(String theme){ preferences.put("THEME", theme); } public void setProtocol(String protocol){ preferences.put("PROTOCOL", protocol); } public String getRecent(){ return preferences.get("RECENT", System.getProperty("user.home")); } public void setRecent(String path){ preferences.put("RECENT", path); } }