Always open tab which had been opened before application was closed last time.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 45 additions and 8 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
@ -135,4 +135,7 @@ public class AppPreferences {
// NXDT //
// NXDT //
public String getNXDTSaveToLocation(){ return FilesHelper.getRealFolder(preferences.get("nxdt_saveto", System.getProperty("user.home"))); }
public String getNXDTSaveToLocation(){ return FilesHelper.getRealFolder(preferences.get("nxdt_saveto", System.getProperty("user.home"))); }
public void setNXDTSaveToLocation(String value){ preferences.put("nxdt_saveto", value); }
public void setNXDTSaveToLocation(String value){ preferences.put("nxdt_saveto", value); }
public String getLastOpenedTab(){ return preferences.get("recent_tab", ""); }
public void setLastOpenedTab(String tabId){ preferences.put("recent_tab", tabId); }
@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ public class NSLMainController implements Initializable {
public ProgressBar progressBar; // Accessible from Mediator
public ProgressBar progressBar; // Accessible from Mediator
private TabPane mainTabPane;
private Tab GamesTabHolder, RCMTabHolder, SMTabHolder;
private GamesController GamesTabController; // Accessible from Mediator | todo: incapsulate
private GamesController GamesTabController; // Accessible from Mediator | todo: incapsulate
@ -70,16 +75,22 @@ public class NSLMainController implements Initializable {
if (result != null){
if (result != null){
if (!result.get(0).isEmpty()) {
if (!result.get(0).isEmpty()) {
ServiceWindow.getInfoNotification(resourceBundle.getString("windowTitleNewVersionAval"), resourceBundle.getString("windowTitleNewVersionAval") + ": " + result.get(0) + "\n\n" + result.get(1));
resourceBundle.getString("windowTitleNewVersionAval") + ": " + result.get(0) + "\n\n" + result.get(1));
ServiceWindow.getInfoNotification(resourceBundle.getString("windowTitleNewVersionUnknown"), resourceBundle.getString("windowBodyNewVersionUnknown"));
Thread updates = new Thread(updTask);
Thread updates = new Thread(updTask);
@ -123,5 +134,28 @@ public class NSLMainController implements Initializable {
SplitMergeTabController.updatePreferencesOnExit(); // NOTE: This shit above should be re-written to similar pattern
SplitMergeTabController.updatePreferencesOnExit(); // NOTE: This shit above should be re-written to similar pattern
private void openLastOpenedTab(){
String tabId = AppPreferences.getInstance().getLastOpenedTab();
switch (tabId){
case "GamesTabHolder":
case "RCMTabHolder":
case "SMTabHolder":
private void saveLastOpenedTab(){
String tabId = mainTabPane.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().getId();
if (tabId == null || tabId.isEmpty())
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class NSLMain extends Application {
public class NSLMain extends Application {
public static final String appVersion = "v5.0";
public static final String appVersion = "v5.1";
public static boolean isCli;
public static boolean isCli;
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ Steps to roll NXDT functionality back:
<VBox AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0">
<VBox AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0.0">
<TabPane prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" side="LEFT" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE" VBox.vgrow="ALWAYS">
<TabPane fx:id="mainTabPane" prefHeight="200.0" prefWidth="200.0" side="LEFT" tabClosingPolicy="UNAVAILABLE" VBox.vgrow="ALWAYS">
<Tab closable="false">
<Tab fx:id="GamesTabHolder" closable="false">
<fx:include fx:id="GamesTab" source="GamesTab.fxml" VBox.vgrow="ALWAYS" />
<fx:include fx:id="GamesTab" source="GamesTab.fxml" VBox.vgrow="ALWAYS" />
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Steps to roll NXDT functionality back:
<SVGPath content="M 19.953125 -0.00390625 C 19.945025 0.86963499 19.665113 1.3200779 19.117188 1.6679688 C 18.569261 2.0158596 17.688291 2.2107818 16.572266 2.2636719 C 14.340723 2.369428 11.22952 1.9408017 8.0175781 1.7636719 L 8.015625 1.7636719 C 5.8083004 1.6301338 3.850269 1.7145428 2.421875 2.328125 C 1.7074522 2.6350131 1.1147008 3.0945958 0.765625 3.7402344 C 0.41654922 4.3858729 0.3309909 5.1840438 0.50976562 6.0957031 L 0.515625 6.1269531 L 0.52539062 6.1582031 C 0.74516874 6.8214776 1.3043008 7.2559352 1.9550781 7.46875 C 2.6058554 7.6815648 3.3739015 7.7273729 4.2304688 7.703125 C 5.9436032 7.6546292 8.0253788 7.3082908 10.042969 7.1230469 C 12.060559 6.9378029 14.005763 6.9298258 15.349609 7.4511719 C 16.693456 7.972518 17.5 8.8951351 17.5 11 L 13.023438 11 L 10.837891 11 L 1 11 C 0.156581 11 -0.10111662 11.623241 -0.10351562 12.189453 C -0.10591562 12.759114 -0.10321863 13.218366 -0.10351562 13.919922 C -0.10353762 13.969822 -0.10345962 13.990156 -0.10351562 14.042969 C -0.10332363 14.492063 -0.10337263 14.807528 -0.10351562 15.150391 C -0.10359462 15.343113 -0.10438363 15.566512 -0.10351562 15.771484 C -0.10347763 15.861874 -0.10364063 15.971437 -0.10351562 16.064453 C -0.10316562 16.324274 -0.10337563 16.550139 -0.10351562 16.880859 C -0.10353662 16.930759 -0.10345962 16.951094 -0.10351562 17.003906 C -0.10317063 17.257044 -0.10337962 17.473987 -0.10351562 17.794922 C -0.10353762 17.844822 -0.10345962 17.863203 -0.10351562 17.916016 C -0.10380362 18.172294 -0.10461563 18.463892 -0.10351562 18.732422 C -0.10363862 18.825442 -0.10347763 18.935007 -0.10351562 19.025391 C -0.10359462 19.218111 -0.10438363 19.441511 -0.10351562 19.646484 C -0.10337262 19.98934 -0.10332563 20.306746 -0.10351562 20.755859 C -0.10353662 20.805759 -0.10345962 20.826093 -0.10351562 20.878906 C -0.10321564 21.580432 -0.10591562 22.037789 -0.10351562 22.607422 C -0.10111563 23.173608 0.156706 23.796875 1 23.796875 L 10.833984 23.796875 L 13.019531 23.796875 L 22.857422 23.796875 C 23.70084 23.796875 23.958538 23.17361 23.960938 22.607422 C 23.963338 22.037788 23.960642 21.580432 23.960938 20.878906 C 23.960959 20.829006 23.96088 20.808672 23.960938 20.755859 C 23.960749 20.306747 23.960795 19.989341 23.960938 19.646484 C 23.961015 19.453769 23.961803 19.230374 23.960938 19.025391 C 23.9609 18.935011 23.961059 18.825438 23.960938 18.732422 C 23.96059 18.472592 23.960799 18.246723 23.960938 17.916016 C 23.960959 17.866116 23.96088 17.847735 23.960938 17.794922 C 23.960642 17.093366 23.963337 16.63411 23.960938 16.064453 C 23.96106 15.971433 23.960898 15.861868 23.960938 15.771484 C 23.961015 15.578768 23.961803 15.355372 23.960938 15.150391 C 23.960797 14.807528 23.960748 14.492063 23.960938 14.042969 C 23.960959 13.993069 23.96088 13.972735 23.960938 13.919922 C 23.960642 13.218366 23.963337 12.759114 23.960938 12.189453 C 23.958538 11.623242 23.700715 11 22.857422 11 L 18.5 11 C 18.5 8.6048649 17.347496 7.152482 15.710938 6.5175781 C 14.074378 5.8826742 12.017906 5.9371971 9.9511719 6.1269531 C 7.8844382 6.3167092 5.7997949 6.6578708 4.2011719 6.703125 C 3.4018604 6.7257521 2.725744 6.6699978 2.265625 6.5195312 C 1.8171096 6.3728594 1.6083191 6.1804127 1.4941406 5.859375 C 1.3628245 5.141091 1.4300216 4.6115935 1.6445312 4.2148438 C 1.8648981 3.8072608 2.2462454 3.4910124 2.8164062 3.2460938 C 3.9567281 2.7562562 5.8156963 2.6320489 7.9570312 2.7617188 L 7.9589844 2.7617188 C 11.116926 2.9357557 14.220255 3.3773586 16.619141 3.2636719 C 17.818583 3.2068289 18.856796 3.0180713 19.654297 2.5117188 C 20.451798 2.0053661 20.942623 1.130365 20.953125 0.00390625 L 19.953125 -0.00390625 z M 4.4277344 13.271484 L 7 13.271484 L 7 16 L 9.71875 16 L 9.71875 18.5625 L 7 18.5625 L 7 21.291016 L 4.4277344 21.291016 L 4.4277344 18.5625 L 1.7089844 18.5625 L 1.7089844 16 L 4.4277344 16 L 4.4277344 13.271484 z M 20 14 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 21.916016 15.916016 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 20 17.832031 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 18.083984 15.916016 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 20 14 z M 16.421875 17.667969 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 18.337891 19.583984 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 16.421875 21.5 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 14.505859 19.583984 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 16.421875 17.667969 z " />
<SVGPath content="M 19.953125 -0.00390625 C 19.945025 0.86963499 19.665113 1.3200779 19.117188 1.6679688 C 18.569261 2.0158596 17.688291 2.2107818 16.572266 2.2636719 C 14.340723 2.369428 11.22952 1.9408017 8.0175781 1.7636719 L 8.015625 1.7636719 C 5.8083004 1.6301338 3.850269 1.7145428 2.421875 2.328125 C 1.7074522 2.6350131 1.1147008 3.0945958 0.765625 3.7402344 C 0.41654922 4.3858729 0.3309909 5.1840438 0.50976562 6.0957031 L 0.515625 6.1269531 L 0.52539062 6.1582031 C 0.74516874 6.8214776 1.3043008 7.2559352 1.9550781 7.46875 C 2.6058554 7.6815648 3.3739015 7.7273729 4.2304688 7.703125 C 5.9436032 7.6546292 8.0253788 7.3082908 10.042969 7.1230469 C 12.060559 6.9378029 14.005763 6.9298258 15.349609 7.4511719 C 16.693456 7.972518 17.5 8.8951351 17.5 11 L 13.023438 11 L 10.837891 11 L 1 11 C 0.156581 11 -0.10111662 11.623241 -0.10351562 12.189453 C -0.10591562 12.759114 -0.10321863 13.218366 -0.10351562 13.919922 C -0.10353762 13.969822 -0.10345962 13.990156 -0.10351562 14.042969 C -0.10332363 14.492063 -0.10337263 14.807528 -0.10351562 15.150391 C -0.10359462 15.343113 -0.10438363 15.566512 -0.10351562 15.771484 C -0.10347763 15.861874 -0.10364063 15.971437 -0.10351562 16.064453 C -0.10316562 16.324274 -0.10337563 16.550139 -0.10351562 16.880859 C -0.10353662 16.930759 -0.10345962 16.951094 -0.10351562 17.003906 C -0.10317063 17.257044 -0.10337962 17.473987 -0.10351562 17.794922 C -0.10353762 17.844822 -0.10345962 17.863203 -0.10351562 17.916016 C -0.10380362 18.172294 -0.10461563 18.463892 -0.10351562 18.732422 C -0.10363862 18.825442 -0.10347763 18.935007 -0.10351562 19.025391 C -0.10359462 19.218111 -0.10438363 19.441511 -0.10351562 19.646484 C -0.10337262 19.98934 -0.10332563 20.306746 -0.10351562 20.755859 C -0.10353662 20.805759 -0.10345962 20.826093 -0.10351562 20.878906 C -0.10321564 21.580432 -0.10591562 22.037789 -0.10351562 22.607422 C -0.10111563 23.173608 0.156706 23.796875 1 23.796875 L 10.833984 23.796875 L 13.019531 23.796875 L 22.857422 23.796875 C 23.70084 23.796875 23.958538 23.17361 23.960938 22.607422 C 23.963338 22.037788 23.960642 21.580432 23.960938 20.878906 C 23.960959 20.829006 23.96088 20.808672 23.960938 20.755859 C 23.960749 20.306747 23.960795 19.989341 23.960938 19.646484 C 23.961015 19.453769 23.961803 19.230374 23.960938 19.025391 C 23.9609 18.935011 23.961059 18.825438 23.960938 18.732422 C 23.96059 18.472592 23.960799 18.246723 23.960938 17.916016 C 23.960959 17.866116 23.96088 17.847735 23.960938 17.794922 C 23.960642 17.093366 23.963337 16.63411 23.960938 16.064453 C 23.96106 15.971433 23.960898 15.861868 23.960938 15.771484 C 23.961015 15.578768 23.961803 15.355372 23.960938 15.150391 C 23.960797 14.807528 23.960748 14.492063 23.960938 14.042969 C 23.960959 13.993069 23.96088 13.972735 23.960938 13.919922 C 23.960642 13.218366 23.963337 12.759114 23.960938 12.189453 C 23.958538 11.623242 23.700715 11 22.857422 11 L 18.5 11 C 18.5 8.6048649 17.347496 7.152482 15.710938 6.5175781 C 14.074378 5.8826742 12.017906 5.9371971 9.9511719 6.1269531 C 7.8844382 6.3167092 5.7997949 6.6578708 4.2011719 6.703125 C 3.4018604 6.7257521 2.725744 6.6699978 2.265625 6.5195312 C 1.8171096 6.3728594 1.6083191 6.1804127 1.4941406 5.859375 C 1.3628245 5.141091 1.4300216 4.6115935 1.6445312 4.2148438 C 1.8648981 3.8072608 2.2462454 3.4910124 2.8164062 3.2460938 C 3.9567281 2.7562562 5.8156963 2.6320489 7.9570312 2.7617188 L 7.9589844 2.7617188 C 11.116926 2.9357557 14.220255 3.3773586 16.619141 3.2636719 C 17.818583 3.2068289 18.856796 3.0180713 19.654297 2.5117188 C 20.451798 2.0053661 20.942623 1.130365 20.953125 0.00390625 L 19.953125 -0.00390625 z M 4.4277344 13.271484 L 7 13.271484 L 7 16 L 9.71875 16 L 9.71875 18.5625 L 7 18.5625 L 7 21.291016 L 4.4277344 21.291016 L 4.4277344 18.5625 L 1.7089844 18.5625 L 1.7089844 16 L 4.4277344 16 L 4.4277344 13.271484 z M 20 14 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 21.916016 15.916016 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 20 17.832031 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 18.083984 15.916016 A 1.9161212 1.9161212 0 0 1 20 14 z M 16.421875 17.667969 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 18.337891 19.583984 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 16.421875 21.5 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 14.505859 19.583984 A 1.9168563 1.9168563 0 0 1 16.421875 17.667969 z " />
<Tab closable="false">
<Tab fx:id="RCMTabHolder" closable="false">
<fx:include fx:id="RcmTab" source="RcmTab.fxml" VBox.vgrow="ALWAYS" />
<fx:include fx:id="RcmTab" source="RcmTab.fxml" VBox.vgrow="ALWAYS" />
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Steps to roll NXDT functionality back:
<SVGPath content="M 5.2753906 0.9453125 C 3.4702091 0.94491305 2.0128532 1.7453477 1.0566406 2.9082031 C 0.10042811 4.0710585 -0.40065633 5.5585011 -0.55664062 7.0488281 C -0.71262492 8.5391552 -0.52822452 10.042928 0.0078125 11.292969 C 0.54008474 12.534229 1.4899019 13.5834 2.8300781 13.826172 L 2.828125 13.837891 L 4.2050781 13.837891 L 4.6484375 11.080078 L 5.3496094 11.080078 L 5.9257812 13.837891 L 7.4042969 13.837891 L 7.4042969 13.753906 L 6.703125 10.685547 C 7.49408 10.281262 7.9297095 9.5624699 8.0097656 8.5292969 C 8.0610016 7.8485775 7.9209243 7.3118876 7.5878906 6.9179688 C 7.254857 6.5240499 6.7748288 6.3176076 6.1503906 6.296875 L 4.0371094 6.2910156 L 3.0976562 12.150391 C 2.4734416 12.023142 1.945837 11.518943 1.5625 10.625 C 1.1696133 9.7087867 0.99863233 8.4506302 1.1269531 7.2246094 C 1.2552739 5.9985885 1.6798073 4.8135983 2.3632812 3.9824219 C 3.0467553 3.1512454 3.9413986 2.6383771 5.2734375 2.6386719 L 20.007812 2.640625 C 20.496454 2.6407331 20.818797 2.788345 21.136719 3.0976562 C 21.454641 3.4069676 21.743658 3.910529 21.949219 4.5761719 C 22.36034 5.9074576 22.421621 7.8407685 22.128906 9.7714844 C 21.836191 11.7022 21.195943 13.639966 20.339844 15.023438 C 19.483744 16.406908 18.498727 17.154297 17.46875 17.154297 L -0.59375 17.154297 L -0.59375 18.845703 L 17.46875 18.845703 C 19.298148 18.845703 20.755291 17.568872 21.779297 15.914062 C 22.803302 14.259253 23.481257 12.145818 23.802734 10.025391 C 24.124212 7.904966 24.093647 5.7854271 23.566406 4.078125 C 23.302786 3.2244739 22.911503 2.4618437 22.318359 1.8847656 C 21.725216 1.3076876 20.907952 0.94941793 20.007812 0.94921875 L 5.2753906 0.9453125 z M 11.574219 6.1875 C 10.831297 6.1702229 10.207831 6.4450285 9.7050781 7.0117188 C 9.2055276 7.578409 8.8809744 8.3951633 8.7304688 9.4628906 L 8.5527344 10.712891 C 8.5207119 10.975503 8.5072674 11.234984 8.5136719 11.494141 C 8.5328854 12.254335 8.7132962 12.848871 9.0527344 13.277344 C 9.3921725 13.705817 9.8729047 13.927585 10.494141 13.941406 C 11.217848 13.962139 11.814426 13.735112 12.285156 13.261719 C 12.759089 12.78487 13.038539 12.137296 13.125 11.318359 L 11.775391 11.328125 C 11.698537 11.846439 11.565182 12.208239 11.373047 12.412109 C 11.180912 12.612524 10.923036 12.704777 10.599609 12.6875 C 10.080845 12.663312 9.8371182 12.277623 9.8691406 11.53125 C 9.8723429 11.403399 9.8965748 11.131448 9.9414062 10.716797 L 10.113281 9.4160156 C 10.190135 8.7145637 10.339592 8.209426 10.560547 7.8984375 C 10.781502 7.5839935 11.081823 7.4334439 11.462891 7.4472656 C 11.956037 7.4645428 12.209143 7.763238 12.21875 8.34375 L 12.208984 8.8574219 L 13.595703 8.8613281 C 13.595703 7.9974711 13.421311 7.3393799 13.072266 6.8867188 C 12.723221 6.4306022 12.224275 6.1978663 11.574219 6.1875 z M 14.869141 6.2910156 L 13.658203 13.837891 L 15.037109 13.837891 L 15.353516 11.847656 L 15.753906 8.5976562 L 16.28125 13.837891 L 17.21875 13.837891 L 19.361328 8.7675781 L 18.755859 11.748047 L 18.419922 13.837891 L 19.802734 13.837891 L 21.017578 6.2910156 L 19.201172 6.2910156 L 17.054688 11.716797 L 16.646484 6.2910156 L 14.869141 6.2910156 z M 5.2148438 7.5605469 L 6.09375 7.5664062 C 6.4491994 7.5940497 6.6336754 7.8344483 6.6464844 8.2871094 C 6.6496866 8.7466813 6.5554161 9.1146416 6.3632812 9.3945312 C 6.1711464 9.6709655 5.9072524 9.8134016 5.5742188 9.8203125 L 4.8496094 9.8105469 L 5.2148438 7.5605469 z" />
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