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package nsusbloader.COM.USB;
import javafx.concurrent.Task;
import nsusbloader.ModelControllers.LogPrinter;
import nsusbloader.NSLDataTypes.EFileStatus;
import nsusbloader.NSLDataTypes.EMsgType;
import nsusbloader.COM.Helpers.NSSplitReader;
import org.usb4java.DeviceHandle;
import org.usb4java.LibUsb;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
* Tinfoil processing
* */
class TinFoil extends TransferModule {
// "TUL0".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)
private static final byte[] TUL0 = new byte[]{(byte) 0x54, (byte) 0x55, (byte) 0x4c, (byte) 0x30};
TinFoil(DeviceHandle handler, LinkedHashMap<String, File> nspMap, Task<Void> task, LogPrinter logPrinter){
super(handler, nspMap, task, logPrinter);
logPrinter.print("============= TinFoil =============", EMsgType.INFO);
if (!sendListOfNSP())
if (proceedCommands()) // REPORT SUCCESS
status = EFileStatus.UPLOADED; // Don't change status that is already set to FAILED
* Send what NSP will be transferred
* */
private boolean sendListOfNSP(){
//Collect file names
StringBuilder nspListNamesBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Add every title to one stringBuilder
for(String nspFileName: nspMap.keySet()) {
nspListNamesBuilder.append(nspFileName); // And here we come with java string default encoding (UTF-16)
byte[] nspListNames = nspListNamesBuilder.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // integer = 4 bytes; BTW Java is stored in big-endian format
byteBuffer.putInt(nspListNames.length); // This way we obtain length in int converted to byte array in correct Big-endian order. Trust me.
byte[] nspListSize = byteBuffer.array();
logPrinter.print("TF Send list of files:", EMsgType.INFO);
// Proceed "TUL0"
if (writeUsb(TUL0)) {
logPrinter.print(" handshake [1/4]", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
logPrinter.print(" handshake [1/4]", EMsgType.PASS);
// Sending NSP list
if (writeUsb(nspListSize)) { // size of the list we're going to transfer goes...
logPrinter.print(" list length [2/4]", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
logPrinter.print(" list length [2/4]", EMsgType.PASS);
if (writeUsb(new byte[8])) { // 8 zero bytes goes...
logPrinter.print(" padding [3/4]", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
logPrinter.print(" padding [3/4]", EMsgType.PASS);
if (writeUsb(nspListNames)) { // list of the names goes...
logPrinter.print(" list itself [4/4]", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
logPrinter.print(" list itself [4/4]", EMsgType.PASS);
return true;
* After we sent commands to NS, this chain starts
* */
private boolean proceedCommands(){
logPrinter.print("TF Awaiting for NS commands.", EMsgType.INFO);
/* byte[] magic = new byte[4];
ByteBuffer bb = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.encode("TUC0").rewind().get(magic); // Let's rephrase this 'string'
final byte[] magic = new byte[]{(byte) 0x54, (byte) 0x55, (byte) 0x43, (byte) 0x30}; // eq. 'TUC0' @ UTF-8 (actually ASCII lol, u know what I mean)
byte[] receivedArray;
while (true){ // Check if user interrupted process.
receivedArray = readUsb();
if (receivedArray == null) // catches error
return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOfRange(receivedArray, 0,4), magic)) // Bytes from 0 to 3 should contain 'magic' TUC0, so must be verified like this
// 8th to 12th(explicits) bytes in returned data stands for command ID as unsigned integer (Little-endian). Actually, we have to compare arrays here, but in real world it can't be greater then 0/1/2, thus:
// BTW also protocol specifies 4th byte to be 0x00 kinda indicating that that this command is valid. But, as you may see, never happens other situation when it's not = 0.
if (receivedArray[8] == 0x00){ //0x00 - exit
logPrinter.print("TF Received 'EXIT' command. Terminating.", EMsgType.PASS);
return true; // All interaction with USB device should be ended (expected);
else if ((receivedArray[8] == 0x01) || (receivedArray[8] == 0x02)){ //0x01 - file range; 0x02 unknown bug on backend side (dirty hack).
logPrinter.print("TF Received 'FILE RANGE' command [0x0"+receivedArray[8]+"].", EMsgType.PASS);
/*// We can get in this pocket a length of file name (+32). Why +32? I dunno man.. Do we need this? Definitely not. This app can live without it.
long receivedSize = ByteBuffer.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(receivedArray, 12,20)).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getLong();
logsArea.appendText("[V] Received FILE_RANGE command. Size: "+Long.toUnsignedString(receivedSize)+"\n"); // this shit returns string that will be chosen next '+32'. And, BTW, can't be greater then 512
if (! fileRangeCmd())
return false; // catches exception
* This is what returns requested file (files)
* Executes multiple times
* @return 'true' if everything is ok
* 'false' is error/exception occurs
* */
private boolean fileRangeCmd(){
byte[] receivedArray;
// Here we take information of what other side wants
if ((receivedArray = readUsb()) == null)
return false;
// range_offset of the requested file. In the beginning it will be 0x10.
long receivedRangeSize = ByteBuffer.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(receivedArray, 0,8)).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getLong(); // Note - it could be unsigned long. Unfortunately, this app won't support files greater then 8796093022208 Gb
byte[] receivedRangeSizeRAW = Arrays.copyOfRange(receivedArray, 0,8); // used (only) when we use sendResponse().
long receivedRangeOffset = ByteBuffer.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(receivedArray, 8,16)).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getLong(); // Note - it could be unsigned long. Unfortunately, this app won't support files greater then 8796093022208 Gb
/* Below, it's REAL NSP file name length that we sent before among others (WITHOUT +32 byes). It can't be greater then... see what is written in the beginning of this code.
We don't need this since in next pocket we'll get name itself UTF-8 encoded. Could be used to double-checks or something like that.
long receivedNspNameLen = ByteBuffer.wrap(Arrays.copyOfRange(receivedArray, 16,24)).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getLong(); */
// Requesting UTF-8 file name required:
if ((receivedArray = readUsb()) == null)
return false;
String receivedRequestedNSP = new String(receivedArray, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
logPrinter.print(String.format("TF Reply for: %s" +
"\n Offset: %-20d 0x%x" +
"\n Size: %-20d 0x%x",
receivedRangeOffset, receivedRangeOffset,
receivedRangeSize, receivedRangeSize), EMsgType.INFO);
// Sending response header
if (! sendResponse(receivedRangeSizeRAW)) // Get receivedRangeSize in 'RAW' format exactly as it has been received to simplify the process.
return false;
try {
byte[] bufferCurrent; //= new byte[1048576]; // eq. Allocate 1mb
long currentOffset = 0;
// 'End Offset' equal to receivedRangeSize.
int readPice = 8388608; // = 8Mb
//---------------! Split files start !---------------
if (nspMap.get(receivedRequestedNSP).isDirectory()){
NSSplitReader nsSplitReader = new NSSplitReader(nspMap.get(receivedRequestedNSP), receivedRangeSize);
if (nsSplitReader.seek(receivedRangeOffset) != receivedRangeOffset){
logPrinter.print("TF Requested offset is out of file size. Nothing to transmit.", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
while (currentOffset < receivedRangeSize){
if ((currentOffset + readPice) >= receivedRangeSize )
readPice = Math.toIntExact(receivedRangeSize - currentOffset);
//System.out.println("CO: "+currentOffset+"\t\tEO: "+receivedRangeSize+"\t\tRP: "+readPice); // NOTE: DEBUG
// updating progress bar (if a lot of data requested) START BLOCK
//---Tell progress to UI---/
logPrinter.updateProgress((currentOffset+readPice)/(receivedRangeSize/100.0) / 100.0);
bufferCurrent = new byte[readPice]; // TODO: not perfect moment, consider refactoring.
if (nsSplitReader.read(bufferCurrent) != readPice) { // changed since @ v0.3.2
logPrinter.print("TF Reading from stream suddenly ended.", EMsgType.WARNING);
return false;
//write to USB
if (writeUsb(bufferCurrent)) {
logPrinter.print("TF Failure during file transfer.", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
currentOffset += readPice;
//---------------! Split files end !---------------
//---------------! Regular files start !---------------
else {
BufferedInputStream bufferedInStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(nspMap.get(receivedRequestedNSP))); // TODO: refactor?
if (bufferedInStream.skip(receivedRangeOffset) != receivedRangeOffset) {
logPrinter.print("TF Requested offset is out of file size. Nothing to transmit.", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
File dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")+File.separator+"DBG_"+receivedRequestedNSP); //todo: remove
dir.mkdirs(); //todo: remove
File chunkFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")+File.separator+"DBG_"+receivedRequestedNSP+File.separator+receivedRangeSize+"_"+receivedRangeOffset+".part"); //todo: remove
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(chunkFile)); //todo: remove
while (currentOffset < receivedRangeSize) {
if ((currentOffset + readPice) >= receivedRangeSize)
readPice = Math.toIntExact(receivedRangeSize - currentOffset);
//System.out.println("CO: "+currentOffset+"\t\tEO: "+receivedRangeSize+"\t\tRP: "+readPice); // NOTE: DEBUG
//logPrinter.print(String.format("CO: %-20d EO: %-20d RP: %d\n", currentOffset, receivedRangeSize, readPice), EMsgType.NULL); // NOTE: better DEBUG
// updating progress bar (if a lot of data requested) START BLOCK
//---Tell progress to UI---/
logPrinter.updateProgress((currentOffset + readPice) / (receivedRangeSize / 100.0) / 100.0);
bufferCurrent = new byte[readPice]; // TODO: not perfect moment, consider refactoring.
if (bufferedInStream.read(bufferCurrent) != readPice) { // changed since @ v0.3.2
logPrinter.print("TF Reading from stream suddenly ended.", EMsgType.WARNING);
return false;
//write to USB
//bos.write(bufferCurrent); //todo: remove
if (writeUsb(bufferCurrent)) {
logPrinter.print("TF Failure during file transfer.", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
currentOffset += readPice;
//bos.close(); //todo: remove
//---------------! Regular files end !---------------
//---Tell progress to UI---/
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe){
logPrinter.print("TF FileNotFoundException:\n "+fnfe.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
} catch (IOException ioe){
logPrinter.print("TF IOException:\n "+ioe.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
} catch (ArithmeticException ae){
logPrinter.print("TF ArithmeticException (can't cast 'offset end' - 'offsets current' to 'integer'):\n "+ae.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
} catch (NullPointerException npe){
logPrinter.print("TF NullPointerException (in some moment application didn't find something. Something important.):\n "+npe.getMessage(), EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
return true;
* Send response header.
* @return true if everything OK
* false if failed
* */
private boolean sendResponse(byte[] rangeSize){ // This method as separate function itself for application needed as a cookie in the middle of desert.
final byte[] standardReplyBytes = new byte[] { 0x54, 0x55, 0x43, 0x30, // 'TUC0'
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // CMD_TYPE_RESPONSE = 1
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
final byte[] twelveZeroBytes = new byte[12];
//logPrinter.print("TF Sending response", EMsgType.INFO);
if (writeUsb(standardReplyBytes) // Send integer value of '1' in Little-endian format.
logPrinter.print("TF Sending response failed [1/3]", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
if(writeUsb(rangeSize)) { // Send EXACTLY what has been received
logPrinter.print("TF Sending response failed [2/3]", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
if(writeUsb(twelveZeroBytes)) { // kinda another one padding
logPrinter.print("TF Sending response failed [3/3]", EMsgType.FAIL);
return false;
logPrinter.print("TF Sending response complete (3/3)", EMsgType.PASS);
return true;
* Sending any byte array to USB device
* @return 'false' if no issues
* 'true' if errors happened
* */
private boolean writeUsb(byte[] message){
ByteBuffer writeBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(message.length); //writeBuffer.order() equals BIG_ENDIAN;
writeBuffer.put(message); // Don't do writeBuffer.rewind();
IntBuffer writeBufTransferred = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
int result;
//int varVar = 0; //todo:remove
while (! task.isCancelled()) {
if (varVar != 0)
logPrinter.print("writeUsb() retry cnt: "+varVar, EMsgType.INFO); //todo:remove
result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte) 0x01, writeBuffer, writeBufTransferred, 5050); // last one is TIMEOUT. 0 stands for unlimited. Endpoint OUT = 0x01
switch (result){
case LibUsb.SUCCESS:
if (writeBufTransferred.get() == message.length)
return false;
logPrinter.print("TF Data transfer issue [write]" +
"\n Requested: "+message.length+
"\n Transferred: "+writeBufTransferred.get(), EMsgType.FAIL);
return true;
//System.out.println("writeBuffer position: "+writeBuffer.position()+" "+writeBufTransferred.get());
//writeBufTransferred.clear(); // MUST BE HERE IF WE 'GET()' IT
logPrinter.print("TF Data transfer issue [write]" +
"\n Returned: "+ UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result) +
"\n (execution stopped)", EMsgType.FAIL);
return true;
logPrinter.print("TF Execution interrupted", EMsgType.INFO);
return true;
* Reading what USB device responded.
* @return byte array if data read successful
* 'null' if read failed
* */
private byte[] readUsb(){
ByteBuffer readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(512);
// We can limit it to 32 bytes, but there is a non-zero chance to got OVERFLOW from libusb.
IntBuffer readBufTransferred = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
int result;
while (! task.isCancelled()) {
result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handlerNS, (byte) 0x81, readBuffer, readBufTransferred, 1000); // last one is TIMEOUT. 0 stands for unlimited. Endpoint IN = 0x81
switch (result) {
case LibUsb.SUCCESS:
int trans = readBufTransferred.get();
byte[] receivedBytes = new byte[trans];
return receivedBytes;
logPrinter.print("TF Data transfer issue [read]" +
"\n Returned: " + UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result)+
"\n (execution stopped)", EMsgType.FAIL);
return null;
logPrinter.print("TF Execution interrupted", EMsgType.INFO);
return null;