# mplayer4anime mplayer4anime is mplayer launcher to play video file with audio layer and/or subtitles (.ass, .srt, etc,,,) at once. ## License Source code spreads under the GNU General Public License v.3. You can find it in LICENSE file or just visit www.gnu.org (it should be there for sure). Note: Since 0.10 application supports playlists management and implements own json-based format that (somehow) could be used in third-party application, it would be nice to leave it as is. At least, I would prefer to have .alpr file extension used for this. As for the format of playlist, please refer to WFTPL license. ## Used libraries GSON: https://github.com/google/gson Pay attention, that this lib uses Apache-2.0 license ## Requirements JRE 11 (v8 before v0.12 +JavaFX For example, in Debian Stretch you should install 'openjfx' package.) should be installed on your PC. ## Usage Just start it as usual Java application: ``` $ java -jar mplayer4anime.jar ``` ## Run on windows Step 1. Download and install JRE (~~8~~ 11 or later): http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html Step 2. Download and install (unpack) mplayer: http://oss.netfarm.it/mplayer/ (see 'Build selection table', for example click 'generic') Step 3. Download and run jar file.