package mplayer4anime.appPanes; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox; import mplayer4anime.AppPreferences; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ResourceBundle; public class ControllerSUB extends ControllerPane { // TODO: Move file extension filtering options to the OS-selector and remove drop-down with file ext. filtering options @FXML private ChoiceBox subtExt; // Observable list of the content subtExt private ObservableList subtExtList; @FXML private ChoiceBox subtEncoding; // Observable list of the content subtEncoding private ObservableList subEncodingList; public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) { super.initialize(url, rb); this.subtExtList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); this.subEncodingList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); } @Override protected void openAction() { openFileChooser(subtExt.getValue());} // TODO: check if non-empty and show error if needed /** Return selected file extension */ // Walking on the thin ice.. public String getSelectedExt(){ return subtExt.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); } /** Return selected file encoding */ public String getSelectedEncoding(){ return subtEncoding.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); } /** * Set Files extensions list and select element * */ public void setSubtExt(String[] list, String selection){ setMenuElements(subtExt, subtExtList, list, selection); } /** * Set encoding list and select element * */ public void setEncoding(String[] list, String selection){ setMenuElements(subtEncoding, subEncodingList, list, selection); } /* Encoding and Extension common setter */ private void setMenuElements(ChoiceBox menu, ObservableList obsList, String[] list, String selection){ String currentlySelectedValue = menu.getValue(); obsList.clear(); obsList.setAll(list); menu.setItems(obsList); if (selection == null || selection.isEmpty()) // Try to restore previously selected value if it existed before and exists in the new list if (currentlySelectedValue !=null && !currentlySelectedValue.isEmpty() && obsList.contains(currentlySelectedValue)) menu.getSelectionModel().select(currentlySelectedValue); else menu.setValue(obsList.get(0)); else { if (obsList.contains(selection)) menu.getSelectionModel().select(selection); else menu.setValue(obsList.get(0)); } } /** * Select encoding and adds it into the drop-down if it's not in the list * Updates stored lists/selection of encoding * */ public void selectEncodingValue(String encodingValue, AppPreferences preferences){ if (encodingValue != null && !encodingValue.isEmpty()) { if (!subEncodingList.contains(encodingValue)) { subEncodingList.add(encodingValue); preferences.setSubsEncodingList(Arrays.copyOf(subEncodingList.toArray(), subEncodingList.toArray().length, String[].class)); } if (!subtEncoding.getValue().equals(encodingValue)) { subtEncoding.getSelectionModel().select(encodingValue); preferences.setLastTimeUsedSubsEncoding(encodingValue); } } } }