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2017-12-03 02:37:16 +03:00
bin 1.4 release 2017-12-03 02:32:53 +03:00
files update to version 1.2 2017-11-20 15:09:35 +03:00
libircclient-1.9 Version 1.0 upload 2017-03-27 11:15:34 +03:00
daemon.c 1.4 release 2017-12-03 02:28:34 +03:00
defined_values.h 1.4 release 2017-12-03 02:28:34 +03:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2017-03-27 12:07:29 +04:00
loperIRCLogBot.c 1.4 release 2017-12-03 02:32:53 +03:00
Makefile update to version 1.2 2017-11-20 15:09:35 +03:00
README 1.4 release. New README 2017-12-03 02:37:16 +03:00

README that actually FAQ.

What is it about?
loperIRCLogBot is an IRC logging bot made for writing log-files. It could connect to one server and log one channel.
When someone says bot's name at the chat, the URL to logs could be published.

Is it works for Windows™?

And if I compile it for Windows™?
It won't.

I don't know. Give a try, let me know.

How to build?
Type 'make'

It doesn't work and you don't provide ./configure, what should I do? Why is it happening?
Change Makfile and ./files/Makefile. They're simple as hell. I don't know much about ./configure, so there is no such option. Sorry.

I see some warnings during compilation. Is it ok?
Yeah, I hope so. I also saw them. When I find the time, I'll do something with this.

Where is the executable? Where should I look for this and how to start?
$ ./bin/loperIRCLogBot

What about license?
Source code, which is actually 'loperIRCLogBot.c' file spreads under the GNU General Public License v.3 license. You can find it in LICENSE file or just visit (it should be there for sure). It also uses  libircclient writted by George Yunaev. Libircclient is licensed under Lesser General Public License version 3 or higher. 

Is it possible to let this app work with shared libraries of the libircclient that I already have in my distro?
Yes! Will update Makefile sooner or later.

Where is the application configuration should be set? How?
At the /etc/loperIRCLogBot/bot.conf OR ./bin/bot.conf file. You could generate template by passing -g option: './loperIRCLogBot -g'. 
Configuration file contains 15 lines, so make sure that you didn't define any sensetive information below these 15 lines.
Here is an example:
channel:         #channel
port:            6667
nick:            awesome_nick_here
username:        usrname
realname:        realname
password:        0 
maxNickLength:   30
logPath:         0 
link:            http://localhost:8080/logs/
reJoin:          yes
floodTimeOut:    10
'server' should be set as described. NO "irc://" or stuff like this allowed, no slashes and backslashes.
'channel' is the channel to log. Should be started by '#' symbol
'port' is server port.
'nick' is nick. Restricted by 'maxNickLength'. It means, that your nick shouldn't be greater then 'maxNickLength'.
'username' is username that defined as second parameter at your nick-on-server. Like nick!~[USERNAME]@ip_adress.
'realname' is realname. Don't ask, just set here something, ok?
'password' is a password for the nick. It goes to server as '/nickserv IDENTIFY [password]'. If '0' then no password needed,
'maxNickLength' is a maximum length of the nick. Various servers restrict the length of the nick. '30' should be enough. '128' is maximum, but I'm not sure that you have to set '128' in here, because if server doesn't support nicknames with such lenght, you could face to unforseen behavior in the application.
'logPath' is a path to 'logs' directory, where all your logs will be stored. If '0' then they will be stored at executable file folder. Pay attention, that logPath should be defined as full path. Not like ~/logs of ../../logs.
'link' is a link, that will be provided to anyone on the channel, who starts his/her message by your nick. If '0' then smile will be shown.
'reJoin'. If set to 'yes', then bot will be re-connect to channel after kick. If 'no' then it won't.
'floodTimeOut' is a time in seconds before answering on request sent to us. 

Is there any other options for this application?
Yes. When you start application, you could pass next options:
   -d, --daemon          Start application as daemon. Writes to /var/log/loperIRCLogBot.log and syslog. Stores PID number at /var/run/\n
                         Also can interrupt correctly on SIGTERM, not so smooth on SIGINT and reopen log file directory on SIGHUP (used to handle logrotation).
   -g, --genconf         Create configuration file template. Attention! It will overrite your existing configuration file.
   -s, --silent          Silent mode. All program messages stores to the 'output.txt' file
   -v, --version         Application version
       --help            Show this message and terminate application

Any chance to log more than one channel?

If connection is lost, could this bot re-connect? When he will do it?
In ~6 minutes. Maybe earlier.