
311 lines
10 KiB

#include <stdlib.h> // something for load_config function
#define CONFIG_INIT 0 // defined for load_config()
#define RETURN_STRUCT 1 // defined for load_config()
#define NICK_CHANGE 2 // defined for load_config()
typedef struct conf_sruct {
int status;
char *server; // !
char *channel; // !
int port;
char nick[129]; // max nick length is 128 + '\0'
char *username; // !
char *realname; // !
char *password; // !
int maxNickLength;
char *logPath; // !
char *link; // ! should be enough to store link
int reJoin; // 1 - yes, 0 - no
int floodTimeOut;
} configuration;
configuration * load_config(int run, char * nick_or_path) {
* if run = CONFIG_INIT (0) we load config from the file
* if run = RETURN_STRUCT (1) we return configuration structure stored in this function
* if run = NICK_CHANGE (2) we overrite 'nick' at the configuration structure
int i,j;
FILE *conf;
char *st; // WHAT THE FUCKING POINTER HERE? Dark side magic forces.
char **sta[2];
static configuration C; // returning structure
char confFilePath[PATH_MAX];
int checksum = 0;
// added
char tempChar;
size_t countLinesInFile = 0;
char **fArr = NULL;
size_t eN = 0;
// --*---
if (run == CONFIG_INIT) { // the first time call
if ( (conf = fopen("/etc/loperIRCLogBot/bot.conf","r")) != NULL)
printf("Using configuration file stored at /etc/loperIRCLogBot/bot.conf\n"
"Prefere using the one, stored in this folder? Just rename or delete the one from /etc...\n");
else {
strcpy(confFilePath, nick_or_path);
strcat(confFilePath, "bot.conf"); // add bot.conf to path-to-executable
if ( (conf = fopen(confFilePath,"r")) != NULL)
printf("Using configuration file stored at %s\n"
"Please note, configuration file also could be stored at '/etc/loperIRCLogBot/bot.conf' and have higher priority\n", confFilePath);
else {
C.status = -2; //unable to open file = -2
return &C;
// count a number of lines inside file
while ((tempChar = getc(conf)) != EOF){
if (tempChar == '\n')
countLinesInFile++; // this size should be used to define 2D array for using in getline();
rewind(conf); // Move read pointer to the beggining of our file
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
printf("\nFile have %zu lines\n", countLinesInFile);
// end counting
if ((fArr = (char **) malloc(countLinesInFile*sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // allocate 2D array
C.status = -4;
return &C;
for (i = 0; i<countLinesInFile; i++){ // from 0 to end
// fArr[i] = NULL; // initialize by NULL to avoid undefined behavior.
if (getline(&fArr[i], &eN, conf) == -1){ // Error reading or EOF. Shouldn't be EOF.
C.status = -5;
return &C;
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
printf("Alloc 4 string #%d:\t%zu\n",i, eN);
eN = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
printf("______Content of the file______\n");
for (i = 0; i<countLinesInFile; i++) // from 0 to end
printf("%s", fArr[i]);
for (i=0;i<2;i++){ // TODO: check if we allocated memory or not: NULL if not
if ((sta[i] = (char **) malloc (countLinesInFile * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // TODO: optimization needed. 1D array for example
C.status = -4;
return &C;
for (j=0;j<countLinesInFile;j++){
if ((sta[i][j] = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // STRLEN()
C.status = -4;
return &C;
sta[i][j][0] = '\0';
// Parsing configuration file - IF STRING DOESN'T HAVE ":" - SKIP IT
for (i=0;i<countLinesInFile;i++){ // Read all recieved fields
if ( strstr(fArr[i], ":") != NULL ) {
st = strtok(fArr[i], ": \t\n"); // if we can't get ANY parameter at the string, that have ":" inside, then skip this string
if (st != NULL){
sta[0][i] = (char *) realloc (sta[0][i], (strlen(st)+1) * sizeof(char *));
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
printf("sta[0][%d] = %zu\n", i,strlen(st)+1 );
st = strtok(NULL, " \t\n"); // if we see anything before 'space' \t or \n
if (st == NULL){ // if we had a first parameter in string, (no matter was it set before ":" or after)
// and don't have the second one,
C.status = -1; // then we ruin the chain and returning error. 'Status' of incorrect config-file = "-1"
return &C;
else {
sta[1][i] = (char *) realloc (sta[1][i], (strlen(st)+1) * sizeof(char *));
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
printf("sta[1][%d] = %zu\n", i,strlen(st)+1 );
strcpy(sta[1][i], st);
if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "link") != NULL ){ // if it's 'link', then add here everything user wrote
st = strtok(NULL, "\n");
if (st != NULL){
sta[1][i] = (char *) realloc (sta[1][i], (strlen(sta[1][i])+2) * sizeof(char *) + (strlen(st)+1) * sizeof(char *));
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
printf("sta[0][%d] = %zu\n", i,strlen(st)+1 );
strcat(sta[1][i], " ");
strcat(sta[1][i], st);
for (i=0;i<countLinesInFile;i++){
if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "server") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<0;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "channel") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<1;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "port") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<2;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "nick") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<3;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "username") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<4;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "realname") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<5;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "password") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<6;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "maxNickLength") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<7;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "logPath") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<8;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "link") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<9;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "reJoin") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<10;
else if ( strstr(sta[0][i], "floodTimeOut") != NULL )
checksum |= 1<<11;
if (checksum != 0b111111111111){
C.status = checksum; // incorrect number of settings defined
return &C;
else {
// Format array for return in case we're all good
C.status = 0; // OK = 0.
for (i=0; i<countLinesInFile; i++){ // Good
if ((strcmp(sta[0][i], "server")) == 0){
if ((C.server = (char *) malloc (strlen(sta[1][i])+1 * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // NOTE: And never free();
C.status = -4;
return &C;
strcpy(C.server, sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "port")) == 0)
C.port = atoi(sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "channel")) == 0){
if ((C.channel = (char *) malloc (strlen(sta[1][i])+1 * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // NOTE: And never free();
C.status = -4;
return &C;
strcpy(C.channel, sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "nick")) == 0)
strcpy(C.nick, sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "username")) == 0){
if ((C.username = (char *) malloc (strlen(sta[1][i])+1 * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // NOTE: And never free();
C.status = -4;
return &C;
strcpy(C.username, sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "realname")) == 0){
if ((C.realname = (char *) malloc (strlen(sta[1][i])+1 * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // NOTE: And never free();
C.status = -4;
return &C;
strcpy(C.realname, sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "password")) == 0){
if ((C.password = (char *) malloc (strlen(sta[1][i])+1 * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // NOTE: And never free();
C.status = -4;
return &C;
strcpy(C.password, sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "maxNickLength")) == 0){
C.maxNickLength = atoi(sta[1][i]);
if (C.maxNickLength > 128){
C.maxNickLength = 128; // now idiots could feel themselfs protected. Libircclient restriction IIRC set to 128 chars
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "logPath")) == 0){
if (strcmp(sta[1][i], "0") == 0){
C.logPath = (char *) malloc (strlen(nick_or_path)+1 * sizeof(char *)); // NOTE: And never free();
strcpy(C.logPath, nick_or_path);
else {
if (sta[1][i][0] != '/'){
C.status = -3;
return &C;
if ((C.logPath = (char *) malloc (strlen(sta[1][i])+2 * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // NOTE: And never free(); +2 to include variant, when '/' is needed
C.status = -4;
return &C;
strcpy(C.logPath, sta[1][i]);
if ( C.logPath[strlen(C.logPath)] != '/' )
strcat (C.logPath, "/");
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "link")) == 0){
if((C.link = (char *) malloc (strlen(sta[1][i])+1 * sizeof(char *))) == NULL){ // NOTE: And never free();
C.status = -4;
return &C;
strcpy(C.link, sta[1][i]);
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "reJoin")) == 0){
if (strcmp(sta[1][i], "yes") == 0 || strcmp(sta[i][1], "Yes") == 0 )
C.reJoin = 1;
C.reJoin = 0;
else if ( (strcmp(sta[0][i], "floodTimeOut")) == 0)
C.floodTimeOut = atoi(sta[1][i]);
if (strlen(C.nick) > C.maxNickLength)
C.nick[C.maxNickLength] = '\0'; // yeah, they will love it, before set nick name longer then 128 char =(
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#ifdef DEBUG_LOG
printf("____Recieved keys____"
for (i=0;i<countLinesInFile; i++){
printf("%s - %s\n", sta[0][i], sta[1][i]);
// Free allocated arrays
for (i=0; i<countLinesInFile; i++)
for (i=0;i<2;i++){
for (j=0;j<countLinesInFile;j++)
for (i=0;i<2;i++)
return &C;
else if ( run == RETURN_STRUCT ){
return &C; // just return already loaded structure by request
else if ( run == NICK_CHANGE){ // save nick recieved
strcpy(C.nick, nick_or_path);
return &C;