===================== Introduction ===================== Overview ~~~~~~~~ Libircclient is a small but extremely powerful library which implements the client IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible with the RFC standards as well as non-standard but popular features. It is perfect for building the IRC clients and bots. Features ~~~~~~~~ - Comprehensive C API; - Full coverage of the IRC protocol using providing functions; - Supports multiple simultaneous connection to different IRC servers or even to the same server; - Supports both plain and SSL connections to the IRC servers with the optional certificate check; - Full multi-threading support, the library is thread-safe; - All the processing could be handled by a single thread even if multiple connections are used; - Non-blocking, asynchronous event-based interface implemented with callbacks; - Extra support for the socket-based applications, which use select(); - CTCP support with optional build-in reply code; - Supports CTCP PING necessary to pass the “spoof check” implemented by most IRC servers; - Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer; - Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC; - Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously; - Written in plain C, very small binary size (around 30K depending on platform); - Compatible all tested IRC clients; - Free software licensed under the LGPLv3 license; - Supports Linux as well as any POSIX-compliant Unix, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows; - Supports 32/64bit architectures as well as non-x86 architectures; - IPv6 support (optional, must be compiled in); - OpenSSL support (optional, must be compiled in); - Cocoa interface by Nathan Ollerenshaw; - Comprehensive documentation, examples and the FAQ; Known issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even though possible by using multiple sessions, the library is not suitable to connect to a large number of IRC servers simultaneously. If you still want to use it, you'd have to overcome the following: - You cannot use the main loop in :c:func:`irc_run` because it only supports one session. You would have to use :c:func:`irc_add_select_descriptors` - You'd have to handle reconnections separately by processing the relevant :c:func:`irc_process_select_descriptors` return values - If you wish to use poll/epoll() instead of select() you'd have to write more logic as it is not directly supported. See the :ref:`FAQ `. - The library is not optimized to have a low per-connection memory footprint, each non-SSL connection uses at least 4K, with around 32K per connection for SSL. Author ~~~~~~ This library is created by George Yunaev, copyright 2004-2016. Please see http://www.ulduzsoft.com/linux/libircclient License ~~~~~~~ Libircclient is licensed under Lesser General Public License version 3 or higher. The complete license text is provided in the Appendix.