/* * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Georgy Yunaev gyunaev@ulduzsoft.com * * This example is free, and not covered by LGPL license. There is no * restriction applied to their modification, redistribution, using and so on. * You can study them, modify them, use them in your own program - either * completely or partially. By using it you may give me some credits in your * program, but you don't have to. * * * This example tests most features of libirc. It can join the specific * channel, welcoming all the people there, and react on some messages - * 'help', 'quit', 'dcc chat', 'dcc send', 'ctcp'. Also it can reply to * CTCP requests, receive DCC files and accept DCC chats. * * Features used: * - nickname parsing; * - handling 'channel' event to track the messages; * - handling dcc and ctcp events; * - using internal ctcp rely procedure; * - generating channel messages; * - handling dcc send and dcc chat events; * - initiating dcc send and dcc chat. * * $Id: irctest.c 124 2013-11-28 05:44:10Z gyunaev $ */ #include #include #include #include #include "libircclient.h" /* * We store data in IRC session context. */ typedef struct { char * channel; char * nick; } irc_ctx_t; void addlog (const char * fmt, ...) { FILE * fp; char buf[1024]; va_list va_alist; va_start (va_alist, fmt); #if defined (_WIN32) _vsnprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, va_alist); #else vsnprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, va_alist); #endif va_end (va_alist); printf ("%s\n", buf); if ( (fp = fopen ("irctest.log", "ab")) != 0 ) { fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buf); fclose (fp); } } void dump_event (irc_session_t * session, const char * event, const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count) { char buf[512]; int cnt; buf[0] = '\0'; for ( cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++ ) { if ( cnt ) strcat (buf, "|"); strcat (buf, params[cnt]); } addlog ("Event \"%s\", origin: \"%s\", params: %d [%s]", event, origin ? origin : "NULL", cnt, buf); } void event_join (irc_session_t * session, const char * event, const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count) { dump_event (session, event, origin, params, count); irc_cmd_user_mode (session, "+i"); irc_cmd_msg (session, params[0], "Hi all"); } void event_connect (irc_session_t * session, const char * event, const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count) { irc_ctx_t * ctx = (irc_ctx_t *) irc_get_ctx (session); dump_event (session, event, origin, params, count); irc_cmd_join (session, ctx->channel, 0); } void event_privmsg (irc_session_t * session, const char * event, const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count) { dump_event (session, event, origin, params, count); printf ("'%s' said me (%s): %s\n", origin ? origin : "someone", params[0], params[1] ); } void dcc_recv_callback (irc_session_t * session, irc_dcc_t id, int status, void * ctx, const char * data, unsigned int length) { static int count = 1; char buf[12]; switch (status) { case LIBIRC_ERR_CLOSED: printf ("DCC %d: chat closed\n", id); break; case 0: if ( !data ) { printf ("DCC %d: chat connected\n", id); irc_dcc_msg (session, id, "Hehe"); } else { printf ("DCC %d: %s\n", id, data); sprintf (buf, "DCC [%d]: %d", id, count++); irc_dcc_msg (session, id, buf); } break; default: printf ("DCC %d: error %s\n", id, irc_strerror(status)); break; } } void dcc_file_recv_callback (irc_session_t * session, irc_dcc_t id, int status, void * ctx, const char * data, unsigned int length) { if ( status == 0 && length == 0 ) { printf ("File sent successfully\n"); if ( ctx ) fclose ((FILE*) ctx); } else if ( status ) { printf ("File sent error: %d\n", status); if ( ctx ) fclose ((FILE*) ctx); } else { if ( ctx ) fwrite (data, 1, length, (FILE*) ctx); printf ("File sent progress: %d\n", length); } } void event_channel (irc_session_t * session, const char * event, const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count) { char nickbuf[128]; if ( count != 2 ) return; printf ("'%s' said in channel %s: %s\n", origin ? origin : "someone", params[0], params[1] ); if ( !origin ) return; irc_target_get_nick (origin, nickbuf, sizeof(nickbuf)); if ( !strcmp (params[1], "quit") ) irc_cmd_quit (session, "of course, Master!"); if ( !strcmp (params[1], "help") ) { irc_cmd_msg (session, params[0], "quit, help, dcc chat, dcc send, ctcp"); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "ctcp") ) { irc_cmd_ctcp_request (session, nickbuf, "PING 223"); irc_cmd_ctcp_request (session, nickbuf, "FINGER"); irc_cmd_ctcp_request (session, nickbuf, "VERSION"); irc_cmd_ctcp_request (session, nickbuf, "TIME"); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "dcc chat") ) { irc_dcc_t dccid; irc_dcc_chat (session, 0, nickbuf, dcc_recv_callback, &dccid); printf ("DCC chat ID: %d\n", dccid); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "dcc send") ) { irc_dcc_t dccid; irc_dcc_sendfile (session, 0, nickbuf, "irctest.c", dcc_file_recv_callback, &dccid); printf ("DCC send ID: %d\n", dccid); } if ( !strcmp (params[1], "topic") ) irc_cmd_topic (session, params[0], 0); else if ( strstr (params[1], "topic ") == params[1] ) irc_cmd_topic (session, params[0], params[1] + 6); if ( strstr (params[1], "mode ") == params[1] ) irc_cmd_channel_mode (session, params[0], params[1] + 5); if ( strstr (params[1], "nick ") == params[1] ) irc_cmd_nick (session, params[1] + 5); if ( strstr (params[1], "whois ") == params[1] ) irc_cmd_whois (session, params[1] + 5); } void irc_event_dcc_chat (irc_session_t * session, const char * nick, const char * addr, irc_dcc_t dccid) { printf ("DCC chat [%d] requested from '%s' (%s)\n", dccid, nick, addr); irc_dcc_accept (session, dccid, 0, dcc_recv_callback); } void irc_event_dcc_send (irc_session_t * session, const char * nick, const char * addr, const char * filename, unsigned long size, irc_dcc_t dccid) { FILE * fp; printf ("DCC send [%d] requested from '%s' (%s): %s (%lu bytes)\n", dccid, nick, addr, filename, size); if ( (fp = fopen ("file", "wb")) == 0 ) abort(); irc_dcc_accept (session, dccid, fp, dcc_file_recv_callback); } void event_numeric (irc_session_t * session, unsigned int event, const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count) { char buf[24]; sprintf (buf, "%d", event); dump_event (session, buf, origin, params, count); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { irc_callbacks_t callbacks; irc_ctx_t ctx; irc_session_t * s; unsigned short port = 6667; if ( argc != 4 ) { printf ("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } memset (&callbacks, 0, sizeof(callbacks)); callbacks.event_connect = event_connect; callbacks.event_join = event_join; callbacks.event_nick = dump_event; callbacks.event_quit = dump_event; callbacks.event_part = dump_event; callbacks.event_mode = dump_event; callbacks.event_topic = dump_event; callbacks.event_kick = dump_event; callbacks.event_channel = event_channel; callbacks.event_privmsg = event_privmsg; callbacks.event_notice = dump_event; callbacks.event_invite = dump_event; callbacks.event_umode = dump_event; callbacks.event_ctcp_rep = dump_event; callbacks.event_ctcp_action = dump_event; callbacks.event_unknown = dump_event; callbacks.event_numeric = event_numeric; callbacks.event_dcc_chat_req = irc_event_dcc_chat; callbacks.event_dcc_send_req = irc_event_dcc_send; s = irc_create_session (&callbacks); if ( !s ) { printf ("Could not create session\n"); return 1; } ctx.channel = argv[3]; ctx.nick = argv[2]; irc_set_ctx (s, &ctx); // If the port number is specified in the server string, use the port 0 so it gets parsed if ( strchr( argv[1], ':' ) != 0 ) port = 0; // To handle the "SSL certificate verify failed" from command line we allow passing ## in front // of the server name, and in this case tell libircclient not to verify the cert if ( argv[1][0] == '#' && argv[1][1] == '#' ) { // Skip the first character as libircclient needs only one # for SSL support, i.e. #irc.freenode.net argv[1]++; irc_option_set( s, LIBIRC_OPTION_SSL_NO_VERIFY ); } // Initiate the IRC server connection if ( irc_connect (s, argv[1], port, 0, argv[2], 0, 0) ) { printf ("Could not connect: %s\n", irc_strerror (irc_errno(s))); return 1; } // and run into forever loop, generating events if ( irc_run (s) ) { printf ("Could not connect or I/O error: %s\n", irc_strerror (irc_errno(s))); return 1; } return 1; }