package logiled.USB; import logiled.MessagesConsumer; import org.usb4java.*; public class UsbConnect { private final int DEFAULT_INTERFACE = 1; private Context contextKbrd; private DeviceHandle handlerKbrd; private boolean connected = false; public UsbConnect(){ MessagesConsumer mc = MessagesConsumer.getInstance(); int result; // Creating Context required by libusb. Optional. TODO: Consider removing. contextKbrd = new Context(); result = LibUsb.init(contextKbrd); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { mc.inform("'libusb' initialization failed: "+result); close(); return; } // Searching for NS in devices: obtain list of all devices DeviceList deviceList = new DeviceList(); result = LibUsb.getDeviceList(contextKbrd, deviceList); if (result < 0) { mc.inform("Getting device list failed: "+result); close(); return; } // Searching for keyboard in devices DeviceDescriptor descriptor; Device deviceKbrd = null; for (Device device: deviceList){ descriptor = new DeviceDescriptor(); // mmm.. leave it as is. result = LibUsb.getDeviceDescriptor(device, descriptor); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS){ mc.inform("Read file descriptors for USB devices failed: "+result); LibUsb.freeDeviceList(deviceList, true); close(); return; } if ((descriptor.idVendor() == (short) 0x046D) && (descriptor.idProduct() == (short) 0xC33C)){ deviceKbrd = device; break; } } if (deviceKbrd == null){ mc.inform("Keyboard is not found in connected devices."); close(); return; } // Handle keyboard device handlerKbrd = new DeviceHandle(); result =, handlerKbrd); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { mc.inform("Open keyboard failed : "+UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result)+(result == LibUsb.ERROR_ACCESS?" (not enough rights)":"")); // Let's make a bit dirty workaround since such shit happened LibUsb.exit(contextKbrd); return; // And close } LibUsb.freeDeviceList(deviceList, true); // Check if this device uses kernel driver and detach if possible: result = LibUsb.kernelDriverActive(handlerKbrd, DEFAULT_INTERFACE); if (result == 1) { // used by kernel if (LibUsb.detachKernelDriver(handlerKbrd, DEFAULT_INTERFACE) != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { mc.inform("Detach kernel failed: " + UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result)); close(); return; } } else if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) mc.inform("Can't proceed with libusb driver : "+UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result)); // Claim interface result = LibUsb.claimInterface(handlerKbrd, DEFAULT_INTERFACE); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { mc.inform("Claim interface failure: "+UsbErrorCodes.getErrCode(result)); close(); return; } else mc.inform("Interface claimed"); this.connected = true; } /** * Get USB status * @return status of connection */ public boolean isConnected() { return connected; } /** * Getter for handler * @return DeviceHandle of Keyboard */ public DeviceHandle getHandlerKbrd(){ return handlerKbrd; } /** * Correct exit * */ public void close(){ // Close handler in the end if (handlerKbrd != null) { // Try to release interface LibUsb.releaseInterface(handlerKbrd, DEFAULT_INTERFACE); LibUsb.close(handlerKbrd); } // Close context in the end if (contextKbrd != null) LibUsb.exit(contextKbrd); } }