
175 lines
11 KiB

Copyright 2018-2022 Dmitry Isaenko
This file is part of libKonogonka.
libKonogonka is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
libKonogonka is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with libKonogonka. If not, see <>.
package libKonogonka.Tools.NSO;
import libKonogonka.Converter;
import libKonogonka.RainbowDump;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static libKonogonka.Converter.getLEint;
public class NSO0Header {
private final static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(NSO0Header.class);
private String magic;
private int version;
private byte[] upperReserved;
private int flags;
private SegmentHeader textSegmentHeader;
private int moduleNameOffset; // note: could be unsigned int; consider 'long'
private SegmentHeader rodataSegmentHeader;
private int moduleNameSize;
private SegmentHeader dataSegmentHeader;
private int bssSize; // note: could be unsigned int; consider 'long'
private byte[] moduleId;
private int textCompressedSize;
private int rodataCompressedSize;
private int dataCompressedSize;
private byte[] bottomReserved;
private SegmentHeaderRelative _api_infoRelative;
private SegmentHeaderRelative _dynstrRelative;
private SegmentHeaderRelative _dynsymRelative;
private byte[] textHash;
private byte[] rodataHash;
private byte[] dataHash;
public NSO0Header(byte[] headerBytes) throws Exception{
if (headerBytes.length < 0x100)
throw new Exception("Incorrect NSO0 header size");
private void parse(byte[] knownStartingBytes) throws Exception{
this.magic = new String(knownStartingBytes, 0x0, 0x4, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
if (! magic.equals("NSO0")){
throw new Exception("Bad magic");
this.version = getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0x4);
this.upperReserved = Arrays.copyOfRange(knownStartingBytes, 0x8, 0xC);
this.flags = getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0xC);
this.textSegmentHeader = new SegmentHeader(knownStartingBytes, 0x10);
this.moduleNameOffset = Converter.getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0x1C);
this.rodataSegmentHeader = new SegmentHeader(knownStartingBytes, 0x20);
this.moduleNameSize = Converter.getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0x2C);
this.dataSegmentHeader = new SegmentHeader(knownStartingBytes, 0x30);
this.bssSize = Converter.getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0x3C);
this.moduleId = Arrays.copyOfRange(knownStartingBytes, 0x40, 0x60);
this.textCompressedSize = Converter.getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0x60);
this.rodataCompressedSize = Converter.getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0x64);
this.dataCompressedSize = Converter.getLEint(knownStartingBytes, 0x68);
this.bottomReserved = Arrays.copyOfRange(knownStartingBytes, 0x6C, 0x88);
this._api_infoRelative = new SegmentHeaderRelative(knownStartingBytes, 0x88);
this._dynstrRelative = new SegmentHeaderRelative(knownStartingBytes, 0x90);
this._dynsymRelative = new SegmentHeaderRelative(knownStartingBytes, 0x98);
this.textHash = Arrays.copyOfRange(knownStartingBytes, 0xA0, 0xC0);
this.rodataHash = Arrays.copyOfRange(knownStartingBytes, 0xC0, 0xE0);
this.dataHash = Arrays.copyOfRange(knownStartingBytes, 0xE0, 0x100);
/* API */
public String getMagic() { return magic; }
public int getVersion() {return version; }
public byte[] getUpperReserved() { return upperReserved; }
public int getFlags() { return flags; }
public boolean isTextCompressFlag(){ return (flags & 0b000001) == 1; }
public boolean isRoCompressFlag(){ return (flags & 0b000010) >> 1 == 1; }
public boolean isDataCompressFlag(){ return (flags & 0b000100 ) >> 2 == 1; }
public boolean isTextHashFlag(){ return (flags & 0b001000 ) >> 3 == 1; }
public boolean isRoHashFlag(){ return (flags & 0b010000 ) >> 4 == 1; }
public boolean isDataHashFlag(){ return (flags & 0b100000 ) >> 5 == 1; }
public SegmentHeader getTextSegmentHeader() { return textSegmentHeader; }
public int getModuleNameOffset() { return moduleNameOffset; }
public SegmentHeader getRodataSegmentHeader() { return rodataSegmentHeader; }
public int getModuleNameSize() { return moduleNameSize; }
public SegmentHeader getDataSegmentHeader() { return dataSegmentHeader; }
public int getBssSize() { return bssSize; }
public byte[] getModuleId() { return moduleId; }
public int getTextCompressedSize() { return textCompressedSize; }
public int getRodataCompressedSize() { return rodataCompressedSize; }
public int getDataCompressedSize() { return dataCompressedSize; }
public byte[] getBottomReserved() { return bottomReserved; }
public SegmentHeaderRelative get_api_infoRelative() { return _api_infoRelative; }
public SegmentHeaderRelative get_dynstrRelative() { return _dynstrRelative; }
public SegmentHeaderRelative get_dynsymRelative() { return _dynsymRelative; }
public byte[] getTextHash() { return textHash; }
public byte[] getRodataHash() { return rodataHash; }
public byte[] getDataHash() { return dataHash; }
public void printDebug(){
log.debug(".:: NSO0 Provider ::.\n" +
" ============================================================= \n" +
"Magic \"NSO0\" " + magic + "\n" +
"Version (always 0) " + version + "\n" +
"Reserved " + Converter.byteArrToHexString(upperReserved) + "\n" +
"Flags " + Converter.intToBinaryString(flags) + "\n" +
" |- 0. .text Compress " + isTextCompressFlag() + "\n" +
" |- 1. .rodata Compress " + isRoCompressFlag() + "\n" +
" |- 2. .data Compress " + isDataCompressFlag() + "\n" +
" |- 3. .text Hash " + isTextHashFlag() + "\n" +
" |- 4. .rodata Hash " + isRoHashFlag() + "\n" +
" |- 5. .data Hash " + isDataHashFlag() + "\n" +
" +++\n"+
"SegmentHeader for .text\n" +
" |- File Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "+ RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(textSegmentHeader.getSegmentOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Memory Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - "+ RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(textSegmentHeader.getMemoryOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Size As Decompressed - - - - - - - - - "+ RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(textSegmentHeader.getSizeAsDecompressed()) + "\n" +
"ModuleNameOffset (calculated by sizeof(header)) " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(moduleNameOffset) + "\n" +
" +++\n"+
"SegmentHeader for .rodata\n" +
" |- File Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(rodataSegmentHeader.getSegmentOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Memory Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(rodataSegmentHeader.getMemoryOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Size As Decompressed - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(rodataSegmentHeader.getSizeAsDecompressed()) + "\n" +
"ModuleNameSize " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(moduleNameSize) + "\n" +
" +++\n"+
"SegmentHeader for .data\n" +
" |- File Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(dataSegmentHeader.getSegmentOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Memory Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(dataSegmentHeader.getMemoryOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Size As Decompressed - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(dataSegmentHeader.getSizeAsDecompressed()) + "\n" +
" .bss Size " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(bssSize) + "\n" + // Block Started by Symbol
"Module ID (aka Build ID) " + Converter.byteArrToHexString(moduleId) + "\n" +
" .text Size (compressed) " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(textCompressedSize) + "\n" +
" .rodata Size (compressed) " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(rodataCompressedSize) + "\n" +
" .data Size (compressed) " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(dataCompressedSize) + "\n" +
"Reserved " + Converter.byteArrToHexString(bottomReserved) + "\n" +
" xxx\n"+
"SegmentHeaderRelative for .api_info\n" +
" |- Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(_api_infoRelative.getOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(_api_infoRelative.getSize()) + "\n" +
" xxx\n"+
"SegmentHeaderRelative for .dynstr\n" +
" |- Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(_dynstrRelative.getOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(_dynstrRelative.getSize()) + "\n" +
" xxx\n"+
"SegmentHeaderRelative for .dynsym\n" +
" |- Offset - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(_dynsymRelative.getOffset()) + "\n" +
" |- Size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " + RainbowDump.formatDecHexString(_dynsymRelative.getSize()) + "\n" +
" xxx\n"+
".text decompressed' SHA-256 hash " + Converter.byteArrToHexString(textHash) + "\n" +
".rodata decompressed' SHA-256 hash " + Converter.byteArrToHexString(rodataHash) + "\n" +
".data decompressed' SHA-256 hash " + Converter.byteArrToHexString(dataHash) + "\n" +
" ============================================================= "