# libKonogonka [![Build Status](https://ci.redrise.ru/api/badges/desu/libKonogonka/status.svg)](https://ci.redrise.ru/desu/libKonogonka) Library to work with NS-specific files / filesystem images. Dedicated back end part of [konogonka](https://github.com/developersu/konogonka) ([independent src location](https://git.redrise.ru/desu/konogonka)) ### License [GNU General Public License v3+](https://git.redrise.ru/desu/libKonogonka/LICENSE) ### Used libraries & resources * [Bouncy Castle](https://www.bouncycastle.org/) for Java. * [Java-XTS-AES](https://github.com/horrorho/Java-XTS-AES) by horrorho with minimal changes. #### Thanks * Switch brew wiki * Original ScriesM software * roothorick, [shchmue](https://github.com/shchmue/), He, other Team AtlasNX discord members for their advices, notes and examples! ### System requirements JRE/JDK 8u60 or higher. ### Build See .drone.yml