3262fb2360KIP1 export support
Dmitry Isaenko
2023-01-06 13:04:23 +0300
e406dd642cRename AesCtr classes used for NCA's media blocks decryption, add KIP1, KernelMap, INI1 classes that helps to retrieve information from headers, export, decrypt, etc. See Package2UnpackedTest.java for details.
Dmitry Isaenko
2023-01-05 18:22:29 +0300
83cf199bebAdd some sugar for AesCtr CipherInputStream. Add INI1 export sketch (incorrect for now)
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-12-30 07:06:13 +0300
d2358758c6Create 'normal' aes crt 'decryption-class' (sugar). Continue making Package2 provider, header and all the things like that
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-12-27 07:22:50 +0300
1a4fd7d823Update incorrect headers, add System2 Header class, flavor small classes by a bit of 'printDebug' methods
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-12-25 21:09:38 +0300
53af386738Rework NSO0 related classes. Added option to pick one of the ELF's sections (.text, .data or .rodata) unpacked without pre-dumping it on disk. Clean 'System.out.print*'
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-12-10 00:26:21 +0300
91ab6fd74bAdd logo draft sketch
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-12-09 05:43:53 +0300
610aa5dd961. Start moving to 'InFileStreamProducer' entity to simplify work with [inside-NCA]-[in-pfs0/romfs]-[sub-files] that could be located inside encrypted or not encrypted sections. This approach will allow us to map filesystem to/as 'enough-informed' objects that could perform actions on content without pre-extraction. For example decompress NSO0 'ELF' sections from the inside PFS0 that is located inside NCA3 that is located inside XCI/NSP. 2. Add NSO0 support. Add NSO0 decompressor/extractor 3. Add logo draft sketch, update dependencies, add LZ4 libs deps, add final identifier in some places
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-12-09 05:37:31 +0300
51398a6ea9Small fixes, minor updates.
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-12-07 04:22:23 +0300
f058905e2fMisc fixes, start rewriting RomFS parts to make it in line with AesCtrBufferedInputStream
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-09-19 23:04:59 +0300
0238cb4d2cNew unified PFS0 Class with new method of data export that will be implemented everywhere
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-09-11 23:47:05 +0300
9b5eacdef9Small enhancements in old code + some fixes for AesCtrBufferedInputStream
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-09-11 05:14:37 +0300
0cc5d41aefMore tests for encrypted RomFs
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-09-11 05:09:31 +0300
5e5cab0729more tests for PFS0
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-09-11 04:24:26 +0300
3064970220Implement BufferedInputStream with one AesCtr section inside to work with it as with usual BufferedInputStream.
Dmitry Isaenko
2022-09-09 02:44:40 +0300