
161 lines
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* Copyright 2019-2020 Dmitry Isaenko
* This file is part of Konogonka.
* Konogonka is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Konogonka is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Konogonka. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package konogonka.Tools.RomFs;
import java.io.*;
public class RomFsDecryptedProvider implements IRomFsProvider{
private static final long LEVEL_6_DEFAULT_OFFSET = 0x14000; // TODO: FIX incorrect
private File file;
private Level6Header header;
private FileSystemEntry rootEntry;
// TODO: FIX. LEVEL 6 OFFSET MUST be provided
public RomFsDecryptedProvider(File decryptedFsImageFile) throws Exception{ // TODO: add default setup AND using meta-data headers from NCA RomFs section (?)
this.file = decryptedFsImageFile;
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(decryptedFsImageFile));
skipBytes(bis, LEVEL_6_DEFAULT_OFFSET);
byte[] rawDataChunk = new byte[0x50];
if (bis.read(rawDataChunk) != 0x50)
throw new Exception("Failed to read header (0x50)");
this.header = new Level6Header(rawDataChunk);
// Print Dir Hash table as is:
long seekTo = header.getDirectoryHashTableOffset() - 0x50;
rawDataChunk = new byte[(int) header.getDirectoryHashTableLength()];
skipTo(bis, seekTo);
if (bis.read(rawDataChunk) != (int) header.getDirectoryHashTableLength())
throw new Exception("Failed to read Dir hash table");
// Print Files Hash table as is:
seekTo = header.getFileHashTableOffset() - header.getDirectoryMetadataTableOffset();
rawDataChunk = new byte[(int) header.getFileHashTableLength()];
skipTo(bis, seekTo);
if (bis.read(rawDataChunk) != (int) header.getFileHashTableLength())
throw new Exception("Failed to read Files hash table");
// Read directories metadata
long locationInFile = header.getDirectoryMetadataTableOffset() - 0x50;
skipBytes(bis, locationInFile);
if (header.getDirectoryMetadataTableLength() < 0)
throw new Exception("Not supported operation.");
byte[] directoryMetadataTable = new byte[(int) header.getDirectoryMetadataTableLength()];
if (bis.read(directoryMetadataTable) != (int) header.getDirectoryMetadataTableLength())
throw new Exception("Failed to read "+header.getDirectoryMetadataTableLength());
// Read files metadata
locationInFile = header.getFileMetadataTableOffset() - header.getFileHashTableOffset(); // TODO: replace to 'CurrentPosition'?
skipBytes(bis, locationInFile);
if (header.getFileMetadataTableLength() < 0)
throw new Exception("Not supported operation.");
byte[] fileMetadataTable = new byte[(int) header.getFileMetadataTableLength()];
if (bis.read(fileMetadataTable) != (int) header.getFileMetadataTableLength())
throw new Exception("Failed to read "+header.getFileMetadataTableLength());
rootEntry = new FileSystemEntry(directoryMetadataTable, fileMetadataTable);
//printDebug(directoryMetadataTable, fileMetadataTable);
private void skipBytes(BufferedInputStream bis, long size) throws Exception{
long mustSkip = size;
long skipped = 0;
while (mustSkip > 0){
skipped += bis.skip(mustSkip);
mustSkip = size - skipped;
public Level6Header getHeader() { return header; }
public FileSystemEntry getRootEntry() { return rootEntry; }
public PipedInputStream getContent(FileSystemEntry entry) throws Exception{
if (entry.isDirectory())
throw new Exception("Request of the binary stream for the folder entry doesn't make sense.");
PipedOutputStream streamOut = new PipedOutputStream();
Thread workerThread;
PipedInputStream streamIn = new PipedInputStream(streamOut);
workerThread = new Thread(() -> {
System.out.println("RomFsDecryptedProvider -> getContent(): Executing thread");
try {
long subFileRealPosition = LEVEL_6_DEFAULT_OFFSET + header.getFileDataOffset() + entry.getFileOffset();
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
skipBytes(bis, subFileRealPosition);
int readPice = 8388608; // 8mb NOTE: consider switching to 1mb 1048576
long readFrom = 0;
long realFileSize = entry.getFileSize();
byte[] readBuf;
while (readFrom < realFileSize) {
if (realFileSize - readFrom < readPice)
readPice = Math.toIntExact(realFileSize - readFrom); // it's safe, I guarantee
readBuf = new byte[readPice];
if (bis.read(readBuf) != readPice) {
System.out.println("RomFsDecryptedProvider -> getContent(): Unable to read requested size from file.");
readFrom += readPice;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("RomFsDecryptedProvider -> getContent(): Unable to provide stream");
System.out.println("RomFsDecryptedProvider -> getContent(): Thread is dead");
return streamIn;
public File getFile() {
return file;
private void printDebug(byte[] directoryMetadataTable, byte[] fileMetadataTable){
new FolderMeta4Debug(header.getDirectoryMetadataTableLength(), directoryMetadataTable);
new FileMeta4Debug(header.getFileMetadataTableLength(), fileMetadataTable);