
305 lines
14 KiB

Copyright 2019-2020 Dmitry Isaenko
This file is part of Konogonka.
Konogonka is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Konogonka is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Konogonka. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package konogonka.Tools.PFS0;
import konogonka.ctraes.AesCtrDecryptSimple;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import static konogonka.LoperConverter.*;
public class PFS0EncryptedProvider implements IPFS0Provider{
private long rawFileDataStart; // Always -1 @ PFS0EncryptedProvider
private String magic;
private int filesCount;
private int stringTableSize;
private byte[] padding;
private PFS0subFile[] pfs0subFiles;
private long rawBlockDataStart;
private long offsetPositionInFile;
private File file;
private byte[] key;
private byte[] sectionCTR;
private long mediaStartOffset; // In 512-blocks
private long mediaEndOffset; // In 512-blocks
public PFS0EncryptedProvider(PipedInputStream pipedInputStream,
long pfs0offsetPosition,
long offsetPositionInFile,
File fileWithEncPFS0,
byte[] key,
byte[] sectionCTR,
long mediaStartOffset,
long mediaEndOffset
) throws Exception{
// Populate 'meta' data that is needed for getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream()
this.offsetPositionInFile = offsetPositionInFile;
this.file = fileWithEncPFS0;
this.key = key;
this.sectionCTR = sectionCTR;
this.mediaStartOffset = mediaStartOffset;
this.mediaEndOffset = mediaEndOffset;
// pfs0offsetPosition is a position relative to Media block. Lets add pfs0 'header's' bytes count and get raw data start position in media block
rawFileDataStart = -1; // Set -1 for PFS0EncryptedProvider
// Detect raw data start position using next var
rawBlockDataStart = pfs0offsetPosition;
byte[] fileStartingBytes = new byte[0x10];
// Read PFS0Provider, files count, header, padding (4 zero bytes)
for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++){
int currentByte = pipedInputStream.read();
if (currentByte == -1) {
throw new Exception("PFS0EncryptedProvider: Reading stream suddenly ended while trying to read starting 0x10 bytes");
fileStartingBytes[i] = (byte)currentByte;
// Update position
rawBlockDataStart += 0x10;
// Check PFS0Provider
magic = new String(fileStartingBytes, 0x0, 0x4, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
if (! magic.equals("PFS0")){
throw new Exception("PFS0EncryptedProvider: Bad magic");
// Get files count
filesCount = getLEint(fileStartingBytes, 0x4);
if (filesCount <= 0 ) {
throw new Exception("PFS0EncryptedProvider: Files count is too small");
// Get string table
stringTableSize = getLEint(fileStartingBytes, 0x8);
if (stringTableSize <= 0 ){
throw new Exception("PFS0EncryptedProvider: String table is too small");
padding = Arrays.copyOfRange(fileStartingBytes, 0xc, 0x10);
pfs0subFiles = new PFS0subFile[filesCount];
long[] offsetsSubFiles = new long[filesCount];
long[] sizesSubFiles = new long[filesCount];
int[] strTableOffsets = new int[filesCount];
byte[][] zeroBytes = new byte[filesCount][];
byte[] fileEntryTable = new byte[0x18];
for (int i=0; i < filesCount; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < 0x18; j++){
int currentByte = pipedInputStream.read();
if (currentByte == -1) {
throw new Exception("PFS0EncryptedProvider: Reading stream suddenly ended while trying to read File Entry Table #"+i);
fileEntryTable[j] = (byte)currentByte;
offsetsSubFiles[i] = getLElong(fileEntryTable, 0);
sizesSubFiles[i] = getLElong(fileEntryTable, 0x8);
strTableOffsets[i] = getLEint(fileEntryTable, 0x10);
zeroBytes[i] = Arrays.copyOfRange(fileEntryTable, 0x14, 0x18);
// Update position
rawBlockDataStart += 0x18;
// In here pointer in front of String table
String[] subFileNames = new String[filesCount];
byte[] stringTbl = new byte[stringTableSize];
for (int i = 0; i < stringTableSize; i++){
int currentByte = pipedInputStream.read();
if (currentByte == -1) {
throw new Exception("PFS0EncryptedProvider: Reading stream suddenly ended while trying to read string table");
stringTbl[i] = (byte)currentByte;
// Update position
rawBlockDataStart += stringTableSize;
for (int i=0; i < filesCount; i++){
int j = 0;
while (stringTbl[strTableOffsets[i]+j] != (byte)0x00)
subFileNames[i] = new String(stringTbl, strTableOffsets[i], j, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
for (int i = 0; i < filesCount; i++){
pfs0subFiles[i] = new PFS0subFile(
public boolean isEncrypted() { return true; }
public String getMagic() { return magic; }
public int getFilesCount() { return filesCount; }
public int getStringTableSize() { return stringTableSize; }
public byte[] getPadding() { return padding; }
public long getRawFileDataStart() { return rawFileDataStart; }
public PFS0subFile[] getPfs0subFiles() { return pfs0subFiles; }
public File getFile(){ return file; }
public PipedInputStream getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(int subFileNumber) throws Exception { // TODO: rewrite
if (subFileNumber >= pfs0subFiles.length)
throw new Exception("PFS0Provider -> getPfs0subFilePipedInpStream(): Requested sub file doesn't exists");
Thread workerThread;
PipedOutputStream streamOut = new PipedOutputStream();
PipedInputStream streamIn = new PipedInputStream(streamOut);
workerThread = new Thread(() -> {
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getPfs0subFilePipedInpStream(): Executing thread");
try {
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
// Let's store what we're about to skip
long skipInitL = offsetPositionInFile + (mediaStartOffset * 0x200); // NOTE: NEVER cast to int.
// Check if skip was successful
if (bis.skip(skipInitL) != skipInitL) {
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getPfs0subFilePipedInpStream(): Failed to skip range "+skipInitL);
AesCtrDecryptSimple aesCtrDecryptSimple = new AesCtrDecryptSimple(key, sectionCTR, mediaStartOffset * 0x200);
byte[] encryptedBlock;
byte[] dectyptedBlock;
//----------------------------- Pre-set: skip non-necessary data --------------------------------
long startBlock = (rawBlockDataStart + pfs0subFiles[subFileNumber].getOffset()) / 0x200; // <- pointing to place where actual data starts
int skipBytes;
if (startBlock > 0) {
skipBytes = (int)(startBlock * 0x200);
if (bis.skip(skipBytes) != skipBytes) {
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getPfs0subFilePipedInpStream(): Failed to skip range "+skipBytes);
//----------------------------- Step 1: get starting bytes from the end of the junk block --------------------------------
// Since our data could be located in position with some offset from the decrypted block, let's skip bytes left. Considering the case when data is not aligned to block
skipBytes = (int) ( (rawBlockDataStart + pfs0subFiles[subFileNumber].getOffset()) - startBlock * 0x200); // <- How much bytes shall we skip to reach requested data start of sub-file
if (skipBytes > 0) {
encryptedBlock = new byte[0x200];
if (bis.read(encryptedBlock) == 0x200) {
dectyptedBlock = aesCtrDecryptSimple.dectyptNext(encryptedBlock);
// If we have extra-small file that is less then a block and even more
if ((0x200 - skipBytes) > pfs0subFiles[subFileNumber].getSize()){
streamOut.write(dectyptedBlock, skipBytes, (int) pfs0subFiles[subFileNumber].getSize()); // safe cast
streamOut.write(dectyptedBlock, skipBytes, 0x200 - skipBytes);
else {
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(): Unable to get 512 bytes from 1st bock");
long endBlock = pfs0subFiles[subFileNumber].getSize() / 0x200 + startBlock; // <- pointing to place where any data related to this media-block ends
//----------------------------- Step 2: Detect if we have junk data on the end of the final block --------------------------------
int extraData = (int)(rawBlockDataStart+pfs0subFiles[subFileNumber].getOffset()+pfs0subFiles[subFileNumber].getSize() - (endBlock*0x200)); // safe cast
if (extraData < 0){
//----------------------------- Step 3: Read main part of data --------------------------------
// Here we're reading main amount of bytes. We can read only less bytes.
while ( startBlock < endBlock) {
encryptedBlock = new byte[0x200];
if (bis.read(encryptedBlock) == 0x200) {
//dectyptedBlock = aesCtr.decrypt(encryptedBlock);
dectyptedBlock = aesCtrDecryptSimple.dectyptNext(encryptedBlock);
// Writing decrypted data to pipe
else {
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(): Unable to get 512 bytes from bock");
//----------------------------- Step 4: Read what's left --------------------------------
// Now we have to find out if data overlaps to one more extra block
if (extraData > 0){ // In case we didn't get what we want
encryptedBlock = new byte[0x200];
if (bis.read(encryptedBlock) == 0x200) {
dectyptedBlock = aesCtrDecryptSimple.dectyptNext(encryptedBlock);
streamOut.write(dectyptedBlock, 0, extraData);
else {
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(): Unable to get 512 bytes from bock");
else if (extraData < 0){ // In case we can get more than we need
encryptedBlock = new byte[0x200];
if (bis.read(encryptedBlock) == 0x200) {
dectyptedBlock = aesCtrDecryptSimple.dectyptNext(encryptedBlock);
streamOut.write(dectyptedBlock, 0, 0x200 + extraData); // WTF ??? THIS LOOKS INCORRECT
else {
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(): Unable to get 512 bytes from last bock");
catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(): "+e.getMessage());
System.out.println("PFS0EncryptedProvider -> getPfs0subFilePipedInpStream(): Thread died");
return streamIn;
public PipedInputStream getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(String subFileName) throws Exception{
for (int i = 0; i < pfs0subFiles.length; i++){
if (pfs0subFiles[i].getName().equals(subFileName))
return getProviderSubFilePipedInpStream(i);
return null;