package InnaIrcBot.ProvidersConsumers; import InnaIrcBot.Config.StorageFile; import InnaIrcBot.LogDriver.BotDriver; import InnaIrcBot.ReconnectControl; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class DataProvider implements Runnable { private StorageFile configFile; private String serverName; private String userNick; private BufferedReader rawStreamReader; private boolean ableToRun = true; /** * Initiate connection and prepare input/output streams for run() * */ public DataProvider(StorageFile storageFile){ this.configFile = storageFile; this.serverName = storageFile.getServerName(); int port = storageFile.getServerPort(); try { InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(serverName); Socket socket = new Socket(); // TODO: set timeout? for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(inetAddress, port), 5000); // 10sec = 10000 if (socket.isConnected()) break; } if (socket.isConnected()) System.out.println("Socket connected"); else { System.out.println("Unable to connect to remote server after 5 retry."); this.ableToRun = false; return; } if (!StreamProvider.setStream(serverName, socket)) { this.ableToRun = false; return; } InputStream inStream = socket.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(inStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); //TODO set charset in options; this.rawStreamReader = new BufferedReader(isr); } catch(UnknownHostException e){ this.ableToRun = false; System.out.println("Internal issue: DataProvider->constructor caused unknown host exception:\n\t"+e); // caused by InetAddress } catch (IOException e){ this.ableToRun = false; System.out.println("Internal issue: DataProvider->constructor caused I/O exception\n\t"+e); // caused by Socket } } //HANDLE ALWAYS in case thread decided to die private void close(){ StreamProvider.delStream(serverName); } public void run(){ if (!ableToRun || !this.initConnection(rawStreamReader) || !BotDriver.setLogDriver(serverName, configFile.getLogDriver(), configFile.getLogDriverParameters(), configFile.getApplicationLogDir())) { //Prepare logDriver for using in threads. this.close(); return; } /* Used for sending data into consumers objects*/ Map channelsMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); try { PipedOutputStream streamOut = new PipedOutputStream(); // K-K-K-KOMBO \m/ BufferedReader streamBufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new PipedInputStream(streamOut), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) ); Runnable systemConsumer = new SystemConsumer(streamBufferedReader, userNick, channelsMap, this.configFile); new Thread(systemConsumer).start(); PrintWriter systemConsumerWriter = new PrintWriter(streamOut); StreamProvider.setSysConsumer(serverName, systemConsumerWriter); // Register system consumer at StreamProvider channelsMap.put("", systemConsumerWriter); // Not sure that PrintWriter is thread-safe.. } catch (IOException e){ System.out.println("Internal issue: DataProvider->run() I/O exception while initialized child objects.\n\t"+e); // caused by Socket this.close(); return; } ////////////////////////////////////// Start loop ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// try { String rawMessage; String[] rawStrings; // prefix[0] command[1] command-parameters\r\n[2] //if there is no prefix, you should assume the message came from your client. String chan; // Say 'yes, we need reconnect if connection somehow died' ReconnectControl.register(serverName); while ((rawMessage = rawStreamReader.readLine()) != null) { //System.out.println(rawMessage); if (rawMessage.startsWith(":")) { rawStrings = rawMessage .substring(1) .split(" :?", 3); // Removing ':' chan = rawStrings[2].replaceAll("(\\s.?$)|(\\s.+?$)", ""); //System.out.println("\tChannel: "+chan+"\n\tAction: "+rawStrings[1]+"\n\tSender: "+rawStrings[0]+"\n\tMessage: "+rawStrings[2]+"\n"); if (rawStrings[1].equals("QUIT") || rawStrings[1].equals("NICK")) { // replace regex for (PrintWriter value : channelsMap.values()) { value.println(rawStrings[1] + " " + rawStrings[0] + " " + rawStrings[2]); value.flush(); } } else if (channelsMap.containsKey(chan)) { channelsMap.get(chan).println(rawStrings[1] + " " + rawStrings[0] + " " + rawStrings[2]); channelsMap.get(chan).flush(); } else { channelsMap.get("").println(rawStrings[1] + " " + rawStrings[0] + " " + rawStrings[2]); channelsMap.get("").flush(); } } else if (rawMessage.startsWith("PING :")) { pingSrvResponse(rawMessage); } else { System.out.println("Not a valid response=" + rawMessage); } } } catch (IOException e){ System.out.println("Socket issue: I/O exception"); //Connection closed. TODO: MAYBE try reconnect } finally { for (PrintWriter p :channelsMap.values()) { p.close(); } this.close(); } } private void pingSrvResponse(String rawData){ StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,"PONG :" + rawData.replace("PING :", "")); } /** * Initiate connection before starting main routine. * */ private boolean initConnection(BufferedReader genericStreamReader){ int nickTail = 0; // handle appendix to nickname this.userNick = configFile.getUserNick(); if (this.userNick == null || this.userNick.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Configuration issue: no nickname specified."); return false; } String rawMessage; StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,"NICK "+this.userNick); StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,"USER "+configFile.getUserIdent()+" 8 * :"+configFile.getUserRealName()); // TODO: Add usermode 4 rusnet try { // 431 ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN how can we get this? // 432 ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME covered // 433 ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE covered // 436 ERR_NICKCOLLISION // 464 ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH (password for server/znc/bnc) while ((rawMessage = genericStreamReader.readLine()) != null){ System.out.println(rawMessage); if (rawMessage.startsWith("PING :")) { pingSrvResponse(rawMessage); } if (rawMessage.contains(" 001 ")) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); if (!configFile.getUserMode().trim().isEmpty()){ String modes = configFile.getUserMode(); modes = modes.replaceAll("[\t\\s]", ""); for(char c :modes.toCharArray()) { message.append("MODE "); message.append(userNick); message.append(" +"); message.append(c); message.append("\n"); } } StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,message.toString()); return true; } else if (rawMessage.contains(" 433 ")) { if (this.userNick.substring(userNick.length()-1, userNick.length()-1).equals("|")) this.userNick = this.userNick.substring(0,userNick.length()-1)+Integer.toString(nickTail++); else this.userNick = this.userNick+"|"+Integer.toString(nickTail++); StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,"NICK "+this.userNick); } else if (rawMessage.contains(" 432 ")) { System.out.println("Configuration issue: Nickname contains unacceptable characters (432 ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME)."); return false; } else if (rawMessage.contains(" 464 ")) { StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,"PASS "+configFile.getServerPass()); } } if (!configFile.getUserNickPass().isEmpty() && (!configFile.getUserNickAuthStyle().isEmpty() && configFile.getUserNickAuthStyle().toLowerCase().equals("freenode"))) StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,"PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY "+configFile.getUserNickPass()); else if (!configFile.getUserNickPass().isEmpty() && (!configFile.getUserNickAuthStyle().isEmpty() && configFile.getUserNickAuthStyle().toLowerCase().equals("rusnet"))) StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName,"NickServ IDENTIFY "+configFile.getUserNickPass()); else if (!configFile.getUserNickPass().isEmpty()) System.out.println("Configuration issue: Unable to determinate method of user nick identification (by password): could be \"freenode\" or \"rusnet\"\nSee \"userNickAuthStyle\"."); } catch (IOException e){ System.out.println("Internal issue: DataProvider->initConnection() caused I/O exception."); return false; } return false; } }