package InnaIrcBot.Commanders; import InnaIrcBot.ProvidersConsumers.StreamProvider; import*; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; //TODO: FLOOD, JOIN FLOOD // TODO: @ configuration level: if in result we have empty string, no need to pass it to server public class ChanelCommander implements Runnable { private BufferedReader reader; private String server; private String chanel; //TODO: add timers private HashMap joinMap; // Mask(Pattern) ->, Action | Where Action[0] could be: raw private HashMap msgMap; // Mask(Pattern) ->, Action | Where Action[0] could be: raw private HashMap nickMap; // Mask(Pattern) ->, Action | Where Action[0] could be: raw private boolean joinFloodTrackNeed = false; private JoinFloodHandler jfh; private boolean joinCloneTrackNeed = false; // todo:fix private JoinCloneHandler jch; public ChanelCommander(BufferedReader streamReader, String serverName, String chan, String configFilePath){ this.reader = streamReader; this.server = serverName; = chan; this.joinMap = new HashMap<>(); this.msgMap = new HashMap<>(); this.nickMap = new HashMap<>(); readConfing(configFilePath); } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Thread for ChanelCommander started"); // TODO:REMOVE DEBUG String data; String[] dataStrings; try { while ((data = reader.readLine()) != null) { dataStrings = data.split(" ",3); //event initiatorArg messageArg switch (dataStrings[0]) { case "NICK": nickCame(dataStrings[2]+dataStrings[1].replaceAll("^.+?!","!")); break; // todo: need to track join flood case "JOIN": if (joinFloodTrackNeed) jfh.track(simplifyNick(dataStrings[1])); if (joinCloneTrackNeed) jch.track(dataStrings[1]); joinCame(dataStrings[1]); break; case "PRIVMSG": privmsgCame(dataStrings[1], dataStrings[2]); break; /* case "PART": // todo: need to track join flood? Fuck that. Track using JOIN break; case "QUIT": // todo: need this? break; case "TOPIC": // todo: need this? break; case "MODE": // todo: need this? break; case "KICK": // todo: need this? break; */ default: break; } } } catch ( e){ System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanelCommander->run() caused I/O exception:\n\t"+e); // TODO: reconnect } System.out.println("Thread for ChanelCommander ended"); // TODO:REMOVE DEBUG } // Do we need old nick? private void nickCame(String newNick){ came(nickMap, newNick, newNick); } private void joinCame(String who){ came(joinMap, who, who); } private void privmsgCame(String who, String what){ if (what.indexOf(":")+1 < what.length()){ what = what.substring(what.indexOf(":")+1); came(msgMap, what, who); } } private void came(HashMap map, String arg1, String arg2){ for (String pattern : map.keySet()) if (Pattern.matches(pattern, arg1)){ // NOTE: validation based on new nick //TODO: parse here String[] cmdOrMsg = map.get(pattern); StringBuilder whatToSendStringBuilder; ArrayList whatToSendList; for (int i = 0; i(); for (i++; (i < cmdOrMsg.length) && !(cmdOrMsg[i].startsWith("\\")); i++) whatToSendList.add(cmdOrMsg[i]); msgAction(whatToSendList.toArray(new String[0]), arg2, false); break; case "\\privmsg": whatToSendList = new ArrayList<>(); for (i++; (i < cmdOrMsg.length) && !(cmdOrMsg[i].startsWith("\\")); i++) whatToSendList.add(cmdOrMsg[i]); msgAction(whatToSendList.toArray(new String[0]), arg2, true); break; case "\\ban": banAction(arg2); i++; break; case "\\kick": whatToSendList = new ArrayList<>(); for (i++; (i < cmdOrMsg.length) && !(cmdOrMsg[i].startsWith("\\")); i++) whatToSendList.add(cmdOrMsg[i]); kickAction(whatToSendList.toArray(new String[0]), arg2); break; case "\\kickban": whatToSendList = new ArrayList<>(); for (i++; (i < cmdOrMsg.length) && !(cmdOrMsg[i].startsWith("\\")); i++) whatToSendList.add(cmdOrMsg[i]); banAction(arg2); kickAction(whatToSendList.toArray(new String[0]), arg2); break; case "\\raw": whatToSendStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (i++; (i < cmdOrMsg.length) && !(cmdOrMsg[i].startsWith("\\")); i++) whatToSendStringBuilder.append(cmdOrMsg[i]); StreamProvider.writeToStream(server, whatToSendStringBuilder.toString()); //TODO break; //todo: add script case "\\whois": // result will be noted in 'system' log whoisAction(arg2); i++; break; case "\\cclientinfo": // NOTE: All this handled by CTCPHelper instance case "\\cfinger": // C - publish request result to chan case "\\cping": case "\\csource": case "\\ctime": case "\\cuserinfo": case "\\cversion": case "\\pclientinfo": // P - reply to privmsg case "\\pfinger": case "\\pping": case "\\psource": case "\\ptime": case "\\puserinfo": case "\\pversion": String CTCPType = cmdOrMsg[i]; String objectRegexp = null; whatToSendStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (i++; (i < cmdOrMsg.length) && !(cmdOrMsg[i].startsWith("\\")); i++){ if (objectRegexp == null && !cmdOrMsg[i].trim().isEmpty()) objectRegexp = cmdOrMsg[i].trim(); else whatToSendStringBuilder.append(cmdOrMsg[i]); } if (objectRegexp != null) { String objectToCtcp = arg1.trim().replaceAll(objectRegexp, ""); // note: trim() ? if (!objectToCtcp.isEmpty()){ if (CTCPType.startsWith("\\c")) CTCPHelper.getInstance().registerRequest(server, chanel, CTCPType.substring(2).toUpperCase(), objectToCtcp, whatToSendStringBuilder.toString()); else CTCPHelper.getInstance().registerRequest(server, simplifyNick(arg2), CTCPType.substring(2).toUpperCase(), objectToCtcp, whatToSendStringBuilder.toString()); } } break; default: i++; } } } } ///////// ///////// private void whoisAction(String who){ // TODO: maybe we have to extend functionality to reuse received information. StreamProvider.writeToStream(server, "WHOIS "+simplifyNick(who)); } private void msgAction(String[] messages, String who, boolean sendToPrivate){ StringBuilder executiveStr = new StringBuilder(); executiveStr.append("PRIVMSG "); if(sendToPrivate) { executiveStr.append(simplifyNick(who)); executiveStr.append(" :"); } else { executiveStr.append(chanel); executiveStr.append(" :"); executiveStr.append(simplifyNick(who)); executiveStr.append(": "); } for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){ if ( ! messages[i].startsWith("\\")) executiveStr.append(messages[i]); else if (messages[i].equals("\\time")) // TODO: remove this shit executiveStr.append("HH:mm:ss"))); } //System.out.println(executiveStr.toString()); //TODO: debug StreamProvider.writeToStream(server, executiveStr.toString()); } private void banAction(String whom){ StreamProvider.writeToStream(server, "MODE "+chanel+" +b "+simplifyNick(whom)+"*!*@*"); StreamProvider.writeToStream(server, "MODE "+chanel+" +b "+"*!*@"+whom.replaceAll("^.+@","")); } private void kickAction(String[] messages, String whom){ StringBuilder executiveStr = new StringBuilder(); executiveStr.append("KICK "); executiveStr.append(chanel); executiveStr.append(" "); executiveStr.append(simplifyNick(whom)); executiveStr.append(" :"); for (int i = 0; i < messages.length; i++){ if ( ! messages[i].startsWith("\\")) executiveStr.append(messages[i]); else if (messages[i].equals("\\time")) executiveStr.append("HH:mm:ss"))); } StreamProvider.writeToStream(server, executiveStr.toString()); } // TSV private void parse(String[] directive){ if (directive.length >= 3 && directive[0] != null && !directive[0].startsWith("#") && directive[1] != null && directive[2] != null){ // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(directive)); // TODO:debug switch (directive[0].toLowerCase()){ case "join": joinMap.put(directive[1], Arrays.copyOfRange(directive, 2, directive.length)); break; case "msg": msgMap.put(directive[1], Arrays.copyOfRange(directive, 2, directive.length)); break; case "nick": nickMap.put(directive[1], Arrays.copyOfRange(directive, 2, directive.length)); break; case "joinfloodcontrol": if (!directive[1].isEmpty() && !directive[2].isEmpty() && Pattern.matches("^[0-9]+?$", directive[1].trim()) && Pattern.matches("^[0-9]+?$", directive[2].trim())) { int events = Integer.valueOf(directive[1].trim()); int timeFrame = Integer.valueOf(directive[2].trim()); if (events > 0 && timeFrame > 0) { jfh = new JoinFloodHandler(events, timeFrame, server, chanel); joinFloodTrackNeed = true; } else { System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanelCommander->parse(): 'Number of events' and/or 'Time Frame in seconds' should be greater than 0"); } } else System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanelCommander->parse(): 'Number of events' and/or 'Time Frame in seconds' should be numbers greater than 0"); break; case "joinclonecontrol": if (!directive[1].isEmpty() && !directive[2].isEmpty() && Pattern.matches("^[0-9]+?$", directive[1].trim())) { int events = Integer.valueOf(directive[1].trim()); if (events > 0){ jch = new JoinCloneHandler(directive[2], events, server, chanel); // TODO: REMOVE joinCloneTrackNeed = true; } else { System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanelCommander->parse(): 'Number of events' should be greater than 0"); } } else { System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanelCommander->parse(): 'Number of events' should be greater than 0 and pattern shouldn't be empty."); } } } } private String simplifyNick(String nick){ return nick.replaceAll("!.*$",""); } private void readConfing(String confFilesPath){ if (!confFilesPath.endsWith(File.separator)) confFilesPath += File.separator; File file = new File(confFilesPath+server+chanel+".csv"); // TODO: add/search for filename if (!file.exists()) return; try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { parse(line.split("\t")); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanelCommander->readConfig() can't find file:\t\n"+e); } catch (IOException e){ System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanelCommander->readConfig() I/O exception:\t\n"+e); } } }