package InnaIrcBot.Commanders; import InnaIrcBot.GlobalData; import InnaIrcBot.ProvidersConsumers.StreamProvider; import InnaIrcBot.ReconnectControl; import java.util.ArrayList; public class PrivateMsgCommander { // TODO: add black list: add users after failed login queries ; temporary ban private String serverName; private ArrayList administrators; private String password; public PrivateMsgCommander(String server, String adminPassword){ this.serverName = server; this.administrators = new ArrayList<>(); this.password = adminPassword.trim(); } public void receiver(String sender, String message){ if (!password.isEmpty()) { if (administrators.contains(sender) && !message.isEmpty()) { String[] cmd = message.split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); cmd[0] = cmd[0].toLowerCase(); if (cmd.length > 1) cmd[1] = cmd[1].trim(); switch (cmd[0]){ case "tell": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] tellArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); tell(tellArgs[0], tellArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: tell "); break; case "join": if (cmd.length == 2) join(cmd[1]); else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: join "); break; case "quit": if (cmd.length == 2) quit(cmd[1]); else quit(""); break; case "nick": if (cmd.length == 2) nick(cmd[1]); else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: nick "); break; case "part": //TODO: update if (cmd.length == 2) part(cmd[1]); else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: part [reason]"); break; case "ctcp": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] ctcpArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); ctcp(ctcpArgs[0], ctcpArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: ctcp "); break; case "notice": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] noticeArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); notice(noticeArgs[0], noticeArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: notice "); break; case "umode": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] modeArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); umode(modeArgs[0], modeArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: umode <[+|-]mode_single_char>"); break; case "raw": if (cmd.length == 2) raw(cmd[1]); else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: raw "); break; case "cmode": if ((cmd.length >= 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",3).length >= 2)) { String[] args = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 3); if (args.length == 2) cmode(args[0], args[1], null); else if(args.length == 3) cmode(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: cmode [| ]"); break; case "k": case "kick": if ((cmd.length >= 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",3).length >= 2)) { String[] args = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 3); if (args.length == 2) kick(args[0], args[1], null); else if(args.length == 3) kick(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [k|kick] [reason]"); break; case "b": case "ban": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] banArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); ban(banArgs[0], banArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [b|ban] "); break; case "-b": case "unban": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] banArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); unban(banArgs[0], banArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [-b|unban] "); break; case "kb": case "kickban": if ((cmd.length >= 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",3).length >= 2)) { String[] args = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 3); if (args.length == 2) kickban(args[0], args[1], null); else if(args.length == 3) kickban(args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [kb|kickban] "); break; case "v": case "voice": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] voiceArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); voice(voiceArgs[0], voiceArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [v|voice] "); break; case "-v": case "unvoice": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] voiceArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); unvoice(voiceArgs[0], voiceArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [-v|unvoice] "); break; case "h": case "hop": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] hopArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); hop(hopArgs[0], hopArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [h|hop] "); break; case "-h": case "unhop": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] hopArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); unhop(hopArgs[0], hopArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [-h|unhop] "); break; case "o": case "op": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] operatorArgs = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); op(operatorArgs[0], operatorArgs[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [o|operator] "); break; case "-o": case "unop": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] args = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); unop(args[0], args[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: [-o|unoperator] "); break; case "topic": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] args = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); topic(args[0], args[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: topic "); break; case "invite": if ((cmd.length == 2) && (cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?",2).length == 2)) { String[] args = cmd[1].split("(\\s)|(\t)+?", 2); invite(args[0], args[1]); } else tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Pattern: invite "); break; case "login": tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Already logged in."); break; default: tell(simplifyNick(sender), "Unknown command. Could be: join, part, quit, tell, nick, ctcp, notice, umode, cmode, raw, kick[k], ban[b], unban[-b], kickban[kb], voice[v], unvoice[-v], hop[h], unhop[-h], op[o], unop[-o], topic, invite and (login)"); } // TODO: chanel limits set/remove } else { if (!message.isEmpty() && message.startsWith("login ")) { login(sender, message.replaceAll("^([\t\\s]+)?login([\t\\s]+)|([\t\\s]+$)", "")); } } } } private void join(String channel){ raw("JOIN "+channel); } private void part(String channel){ raw("PART "+channel); } private void quit(String message){ if (message.isEmpty()){ raw("QUIT :"+ GlobalData.getAppVersion()); } else raw("QUIT :"+message); ReconnectControl.update(serverName, false); //ReconnectControl.update(serverName, true); //System.exit(0); // TODO: change to normal exit } private void tell(String channelUser, String message){ message = message.trim(); if (message.startsWith("/me ")){ message = "\u0001ACTION "+message.substring(3)+"\u0001"; } raw("PRIVMSG "+channelUser+" :"+message); } private void nick(String newNick){ raw("NICK "+newNick); } private void ctcp(String object, String command){ raw("PRIVMSG "+object+" :\u0001"+command.toUpperCase()+"\u0001"); } private void notice(String channelUser, String message){ raw("NOTICE "+channelUser+" :"+message); } private void umode(String object, String mode){ raw("MODE "+object+" "+mode); } private void cmode(String object, String mode, String user){ if (user == null) raw("MODE "+object+" "+mode); else raw("MODE "+object+" "+mode+" "+user); } private void raw(String rawText){ StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName, rawText); } private void kick(String chanel, String user, String reason){ if (reason == null) raw("KICK "+chanel+" "+simplifyNick(user)+" :requested"); else raw("KICK "+chanel+" "+simplifyNick(user)+" :"+reason); } private void ban(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "+b", simplifyNick(user)+"*!*@*"); // TODO: work on patter.n if (user.contains("@")){ cmode(chanel, "+b", "*!*@"+user.replaceAll("^.+@","")); } } private void unban(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "-b", simplifyNick(user)+"*!*@*"); if (user.contains("@")){ cmode(chanel, "-b", "*!*@"+user.replaceAll("^.+@","")); } } private void kickban(String chanel, String user, String reason){ ban(chanel, user); kick(chanel, user, reason); } private void voice(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "+v", user); } private void unvoice(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "-v", user); } private void hop(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "+h", user); } private void unhop(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "-h", user); } private void op(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "+o", user); } private void unop(String chanel, String user){ cmode(chanel, "-o", user); } private void topic(String channel, String topic){ raw("TOPIC "+channel+" :"+topic); } private void invite(String user, String chanel){ raw("INVITE "+user+" "+chanel); } private void login(String candidate, String key){ if (key.equals(password)) { administrators.add(candidate); tell(simplifyNick(candidate), "Granted."); } } private String simplifyNick(String nick){ return nick.replaceAll("!.*$",""); } }