package InnaIrcBot.ProvidersConsumers; import InnaIrcBot.Commanders.ChanelCommander; import InnaIrcBot.LogDriver.BotDriver; import InnaIrcBot.LogDriver.Worker; import*; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; public class ChanConsumer implements Runnable { private BufferedReader reader; private String serverName; private String channelName; private Worker writerWorker; private ArrayList userList; private String nick; private boolean rejoin; private Map chanList; private String configFilePath; private PrintWriter chanelCommanderPipe; private boolean endThread = false; ChanConsumer(BufferedReader streamReader, String serverName, String channelName, String ownNick, String[] usersOnChan, boolean rejoinAlways, Map map, String configFilePath){ this.reader = streamReader; this.serverName = serverName; this.channelName = channelName; this.writerWorker = BotDriver.getWorker(serverName, channelName); this.userList = new ArrayList<>(); this.userList.addAll(Arrays.asList(usersOnChan)); this.nick = ownNick; this.rejoin = rejoinAlways; this.chanList = map; this.configFilePath = configFilePath; // Create chanel commander thread, get pipe this.chanelCommanderPipe = getChanelCommander(); } public void run(){ String data; String[] dataStrings; System.out.println("[""HH:mm:ss"))+"] THREAD "+serverName+":"+this.channelName +" started"); // TODO:REMOVE DEBUG try { while ((data = reader.readLine()) != null) { dataStrings = data.split(" ",3); if (!trackUsers(dataStrings[0], dataStrings[1], dataStrings[2])) continue; writerWorker.logAdd(dataStrings[0], dataStrings[1], dataStrings[2]); // Send to chanel commander thread chanelCommanderPipe.println(data); chanelCommanderPipe.flush(); //System.out.println("|"+dataStrings[0]+"|"+dataStrings[1]+"|"+dataStrings[2]+"|"); //System.out.println("Thread: "+this.channelName +"\n\tArray:"+ userList); if (endThread) { reader.close(); chanList.get(channelName).close(); chanList.remove(channelName); break; } } } catch ( e){ System.out.println("Internal issue: thread ChanConsumer->run() caused I/O exception:\n\t"+e); // TODO: reconnect } writerWorker.close(); //Chanel commander thread's pipe should be closed chanelCommanderPipe.close(); System.out.println("[""HH:mm:ss"))+"] THREAD "+serverName+":"+this.channelName +" ended"); // TODO:REMOVE DEBUG } private boolean trackUsers(String event, String initiatorArg, String subjectArg){ switch (event) { case "PRIVMSG": // most common, we don't have to handle anything else return true; case "JOIN": addUsers(initiatorArg); return true; case "PART": delUsers(initiatorArg); return true; case "QUIT": // TODO fix: use regex if (userList.contains(initiatorArg.replaceAll("!.+$", ""))) { delUsers(initiatorArg); return true; } else return false; // user quit, but he/she is not in this channel case "KICK": if (rejoin && nick.equals(subjectArg.substring(subjectArg.indexOf(" ") + 1, subjectArg.indexOf(" :")))) StreamProvider.writeToStream(serverName, "JOIN " + channelName); delUsers(subjectArg.substring(subjectArg.indexOf(" ") + 1, subjectArg.indexOf(" :"))); return true; case "NICK": if (userList.contains(initiatorArg.replaceAll("!.+$", ""))) { swapUsers(initiatorArg, subjectArg); return true; } else { return false; // user changed nick, but he/she is not in this channel } default: return true; } } private void addUsers(String user){ if (!userList.contains(user.replaceAll("!.+$", ""))) userList.add(user.replaceAll("!.+$", "")); } private void delUsers(String user){ if (user.replaceAll("!.+$", "").equals(nick)) { endThread = true; } userList.remove(user.replaceAll("!.+$", "")); } private void swapUsers(String userNickOld, String userNickNew){ userList.remove(userNickOld.replaceAll("!.+$", "")); userList.add(userNickNew); if (userNickOld.replaceAll("!.+$", "").equals(nick)) this.nick = userNickNew; } // Create ChanelCommander private PrintWriter getChanelCommander(){ PipedOutputStream streamOut = new PipedOutputStream(); try { BufferedReader streamBufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new PipedInputStream(streamOut), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) ); ChanelCommander commander = new ChanelCommander(streamBufferedReader, serverName, channelName, configFilePath); new Thread(commander).start(); return new PrintWriter(streamOut); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Internal issue: ChanConsumer->getChanelCommander() I/O exception while initialized child objects."); // caused by Socket endThread = true; return null; } } }