# InnaIrcBot [![Build Status](https://ci.redrise.ru/api/badges/desu/innaircbot/status.svg)](https://ci.redrise.ru/desu/innaircbot) InnaIrcBot is IRC bot. _Pet-project created to learn Java in action_ ## License Source code spreads under the GNU General Public License v3 or higher. Please see LICENSE file. #### Used libraries: * Apache commons CLI: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-cli/ * ini4j: http://ini4j.sourceforge.net/ * sqliteJDBC: https://bitbucket.org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc * mongodb-driver-sync: https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/3.9/ * JUnit 5: https://junit.org/junit5/ ## Usage ``` java -jar InnaIrcBot.jar [OPTION]... [FILE]... options: -c,--configuration Start with configuration -g,--generate Create configuration template -h,--help Show this help -v,--version Show application version ``` #### Configuration notes "nickserv auth method" could be either "rusnet" or "freenode" where: * rusnet - send '/nickserv IDENTIFY mySecretPass' * freenode - send '/msg nickserv IDENTIFY mySecretPass' Section [logging] "driver" could be "files", "SQLite", "MongoDB" or "Zero" * Files - log everything to files using /yourPathSet/serverName/#chanelName_YYYY-MM-DD.txt format. * SQLite - use /yourPathSet/server.db (or /yourPathSet/yourFileName.db) sqlite file. * MongoDB - write files to MongoDB. See ConfigurationExamples folder. * Zero - do not use any Running application with '-g' option would create 'file-driven' configuration. ### TODO: - [ ] Documentation - [ ] QA: add good unit tests - [ ] Logs backend workers as threads (SQLite and co. are too slow) - [ ] Logs backend worker for redis/redis node - [ ] Scripts support at 'ChanelCommander' - [ ] Docker(+compose) package - [ ] Flood tracker - [ ] ncurses-like or/and GUI configuration files (server/chanel setting) editor - [ ] Access roles support (i.e. delegating some rights to another users) - [ ] Logs for application (partly implemented)